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Author Topic: What would make this happen?  (Read 4049 times)


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What would make this happen?
« on: July 23, 2008, 09:39:18 AM »

I have a Columbia Bully which has two drillings on it.  It has been in my closet for about two years.  When I pulled it out today (wanted to try it out this summer) it had cracked all the way around.  I did not notice any cracks on the ball when I put it in the closet.

Has anyone had a problem like this?  What would make it happen?  The closet stays about the same temperature with no extremes in heat or cold.  I also have some other balls that I keep there and none of these have any cracks.

Thanks for the help.



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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2008, 05:17:21 PM »

Thanks for all the input.  The ball was in a carpeted closet over crawl space (not concrete).  It was in a ball box.  

I am now going to put some foam rubber under the other balls and also keep all of them in a box.  I hope this will keep them from having the same fate.

Any ideas on a better way for storage would be appreciated.

Jesse James

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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2008, 05:51:37 PM »
Hey MainePBA!! That was hilarious!!  Great quote!

Yeah, I used to hear this complaint from all kinds of folks, but it had never happened to me until this year. So far, this year, I have had an Ebonite Killer Instinct Pearl crack, and a practically new Horizon Solid crack. Both of these balls cracked from the finger holes, all the way around the ball!

Now they were both sitting on my ball racks, away from the floor, in my basement. The only common denominator that I could readily determine was....I hadn't used either one in about 4 or 5 maonths. My basement area is usually very cool in temperature. It's strange, indeed.

But I kind of think of it like a car. You gotta take your balls out on the road, so to speak, and blow out the engines! Ya gotta get some oil conditioner on them to keep them operating correctly! If not .......they just fall apart!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2008, 09:40:24 PM »
"Verbs" made a post a few months ago that talked about drilled balls sitting around without being thrown being subject to cracking. The reason is that urethane balls never "completely" cure.
The only ball I've personally had crack was one that I had used maybe 150 games, then put it on a shelf (off the floor) at room temperature for the summer. When I went to put it back in my bag one night it was cracked. I showed it to my company's product specialist who verified that the drilling/layout was fine and not the problem, and then confirmed what "Verbs" said.

Therefore once you drill them, take them out and throw them once in a while to keep that cover from cracking. I wish I could remember more completely how Verbs explained it, but I trust his knowledge.

Notclay, I've had a similar experience. Your explanation for why you think it happens is interesting.

I have to admit I'm not very good to my equipment...

I've been known to leave balls in the car in the summer where it probably gets 110-120 in the trunk. None have cracked from doing this. By the way, this works great to get the oil out

I've also forgot and left them in the trunk for days when it's below zero outside and they got a layer of frost on them. I put them on a towel by the heating vent in the house and have thrown them 3-6 hours later in league with the ball temp. around 50-60 degrees. Never had one crack from this.

The only time I've had one crack is when I put a Ebonite Crush-R(ball was 3-4 years old at the time) on a ball rack in the basement where it's probably 65 degrees all year round and there was a crack around the entire ball after 3-4 months.

Edited on 7/25/2008 9:41 PM

Soaring Eagle

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Re: What would make this happen?
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2008, 11:36:15 AM »
I must be very lucky of not having any of mine crack.  I had a long layover of not bowling for 10 years and had mine stored in there bag covered with the the ball hammock and stored them from a closet to a storage unit and not one of them cracked.  I was even lucky not to have any unwanted quests in the bag or in the holes.  I still occasionally use one of balls whenever I encounter wood lanes.