General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: SHEET on June 21, 2004, 08:52:22 PM
I'm thinking of quitting this league that I'm in on wednesday nights. It's a sport shot league and I love the challenge of finding my way to the pocket, but I'm just extremely bored with the house and the people. These may not be valid reasons for any of you guys, but I'm not having fun. The house is always extremely warm and the approaches are so sticky that I fear of falling everytime I'm about to bowl. The people are just there, no emotion whatsoever. I'm far from a quitter, but I can't take this much longer, what would make you leave a league??
The MONEY is NOT the issue...
It's the LOOK on your face when you have to HAND IT OVER!!!!
It's a summer league? If so, it's only a few more weeks - stick it out and treat it as practice. I've been in the same position, and when I started thinking of it as a practice league, my outlook changed, and I started enjoying myself again.
Ability is what you're capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
- Lou Holtz
I don't know as anything would make me quit midseason other than injury, work conflict or family issue.
However, I'm not going back to my Tuesday nite league for a few reasons. A lot of the people in that league have the attitude that they are better than everyone else. I finished two years in a row top ten in points (we're a 30 point system) and they still look down at me because I average 196 and not 215. And there are a few really obvious baggers, and I'm sick of them taking money from me when they beat me by 2 pins in handicap but their average is 15 pins lower than it should be. So basically, there are enough people to not make the league fun, so why spend all that money to not have fun?
Nothing would make me quit in the middle of a league. I wouldn't come back if there's rampant sandbagging or if the house doesn't provide consistent (not necessarily good) lane conditions.
The engine roared as the front wheel left the pavement. The squirrel screamed in anger. The Valkyrie screamed in ecstasy. I screamed in…well…I just plain screamed.
What would make you quit a league???
Hmmm... I'd say getting my knees smashed with lead pipes in the parking lot would probably be enough to make me quit... Short of that, though, there would have to be some sort of dire financial emergency or a family crisis. If you're not having fun, then you're not trying hard enough to annoy everyone around you. LOL 
One Sick Puppy!
my whole team quit 2 years ago in a summer league. I live in Texas. After a couple of weeks of promises and stories, the air conditioning was still non-existant. It was miserable. Parts on order, wrong parts, wiring, money,..this and that.
We started one night and the machines overheated and shut off...that was it.
Actually, after reading jimensmingers post, I would be more inclined to quit if the whole team was going to do so (guess I'd have no choice LOL). I would not, however, leave a team hanging.
One Sick Puppy!
Oh I forgot to mention, it's a singles league.
The MONEY is NOT the issue...
It's the LOOK on your face when you have to HAND IT OVER!!!!
Where do you bowl? are you an adult or junior?
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
but you can't win until you're not afraid to lose
The MONEY is NOT the issue...
It's the LOOK on your face when you have to HAND IT OVER!!!!
if the appraoches are sticky always. I would quit.
damage to my already tender knees is not worth having to have surgery becuse of bowling in a league. when I can go a few miles away and bowl without fear of physical damage.
If I hurt myself, I can't bowl anyway.
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny
I have to admit to quitting 1 league, many years back. It was a winter league and I did bowl enough to get my book average and lined up a bowler. I paid for the spot for the season and he bowled. I quit because of way to much fighting in the league. Something had happened the previous season and 2 of the 6 teams took it out on everyone. I had way too much stress in my life already and just couldn't handle it. The leaue died at the end of that season, so I was not the only one dissatisfied.
Today, therre is little that would get me to quit a league. Work conflicts, finances, or family are about the only reasons. A summer league that isn't fun? I'd Just tough it out
Age is only a state of mind. Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young
All good reasons .. agree with harrylegthigh .. his outlook is one we should all have!
I would never quit an IN PROGRESS league however there is one WINTER league I will not go back too. At the end of last season the MONEY DISTRIBUTION was MORE TOP HEAVY then expected!
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O