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Author Topic: PLEASE COMMENT: I am trying to rebuild my arsenal and I need suggestions.  (Read 580 times)


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I need help on builing an arsenal again. I have a pretty
good idea of what I am going to buy but need some suggestions.

Heavy Oil: Weapon of Mass Bias (Need a ball to move with control)
Medium Heavy: Absulute Inferno (Arc and control for more versatility)
Medium Heavy: Intense Inferno (For the right condition and skid snap)
Medium: Classic Zone (Drill a little week I like the hit on it)
Medium Light: Element Fire (Nice controlable ball)
Spare/Toasted: Target Zone (Get this ball for free so, I'll use it)

I already have the Intense Inferno now so I just need to buy the others except the Target Zone. I get it at the end of league for free. Please help any suggestions would be great. I was also thinking the Big Time for heavy and the Hybrid Dirty Bomb for medium heavy. But I like the above lineup better.

Things to do at a Bowling Alley
When ever a strike "X" appears on the screen, start yelling about how this is a Black Panther conspiracy.



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Most of what I've read about the Absolute Inferno and Intense Inferno side by side, I think the Absolute is a little bit stronger, so I don't know about the Intense being a medium/heavy ball, I would consider it more of a medium ball based on all the people I've seen thrown it in my Monday league. Otherwise that arsenal looks fine to me.



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How do you guys like my arsenal:

Heavy: UI(polished)
Med/heavy: "  "
Medium: "  "
Litish: "  "
Spares: Target or Trooper or UI for ten pins

I think I'm all set...
Things to do at a bowling alley- Will continually update
   *Bring a small gold idol, demand the other team pray to it.


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Kingpin268, I think you have it all covered.
Things to do at a Bowling Alley
When ever a strike "X" appears on the screen, start yelling about how this is a Black Panther conspiracy.


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I've thrown an ultimate and power groove and don't want
to use either one for those lane conditions. I did really
like the ultimate which happens to be the one Kingpin268
is talking about in his above post but don't want to buy
it. I'm not all Brunswick.
Things to do at a Bowling Alley
When ever a strike "X" appears on the screen, start yelling about how this is a Black Panther conspiracy.


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Things to do at a Bowling Alley
When ever a strike "X" appears on the screen, start yelling about how this is a Black Panther conspiracy.


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I have one and I don't believe the WMB to be a heavy oil ball. There are stronger, yet very controllable balls for heavier oil. I have had great success with the Big Bully but since you seem to like Brunswick, why not an Ultimate Inferno?

On Edit, I saw you don't want an UI. The Big Bully is an excellent ball, it is much stronger in heavier oil than my WMB.

Edited on 3/23/2005 12:20 PM