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Author Topic: What would you consider to be a good .......  (Read 572 times)


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What would you consider to be a good .......
« on: May 30, 2004, 04:35:56 AM »
I was asked if I was a good bowler or not, I then thought to myself
what is considered to be a good bowler? Is it because I have a 210+
average? Is it the amount of strikes I get? or is it the amount of
spares I can pick up? I consider my self to be average, But what I
consider to be a good bowler is someone who can on a consistant basis
pick up everyone of their spares and can bowl on any lane condition.

So what do you guys consider to be a good bowler?
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T Brockette

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Re: What would you consider to be a good .......
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2004, 10:03:01 PM »
Considering the fact that most of us will only bowl
with just about the same people every week, and probably
not very often get to bowl against what one would call
a professional or great bowler, then that is the only
measuring stick we have to use.

I consider myself a decent bowler because of the average
that I carry, but I also have nothing else but the people
I bowl with to judge by. Could I hold my own or even
excel at a higher level, who knows. I would like to
compete in tournaments but just haven't yet.

So until that time when I do get to try my hand at the
next level, I will keep measuring my skill level by the
people I consider what would be my peers.

If you want to play, train your body.
If you want to win, train your heart.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack