My original question and response from USBC.. based on the rule it is a foul..
they would not make a ruling though.
The anchor bowler in the 3rd game of a 3 game league set releases his 12th shot for an attempt at a 300 game. The bowler is behind the foul line and in control of his body until the ball hits the pins. Upon realization that he strikes and bowled a 300 game the bowler collapses to his knees in celebration and slams his hands down on the approach and across the foul line.
What is the ruling? Is this a foul?
Would there be a different ruling if this happened to the first bowler? I ask in case there is a time limit or a point at which the game ends that may negate any fouls from crossing the line.
According to Rule 5a, a foul is committed when any part of a
body encroaches on or goes beyond the foul line and touches any part
the lane, equipment or building after executing a legal delivery.
We cannot make a ruling in this situation because we did not see it
we have only one persons viewpoint as to what happened.
When we have an apparent foul, it is fairly simple call to make.
However, when it is not clear as to whether or not a person actually
fouled, we do an investigation into the matter.
We request the league to conduct a board meeting to gather information
and make a decision.
We then ask for the board meeting minutes along with comments from the
league officers.
Also, any member of the league including the bowler involved can
provide comments and relative information.
In some situations, we even ask the center for their comments if the
challenge involves the operation of the foul detecting devices.
bring this to a hypothetical situation then....
If it is positive that the person put his hands over the line and
touched the lane..
if they touched the lane past the foul line EVEN IN CELEBRATION before
a succeeding delivery.. then it is a foul?? ..
It would also be a foul if there wasnt a possible succeeding delivery
after him??
"I cannot say yes it was a foul or no it was not a foul because I did not
see it happen.
In all my years of bowling and working for ABC and now USBC, I have
never hear of this happening.
If this would actually happen, it would be a judgement call by the
league officials or league board based on eye witness testimony."
16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180