Maybe I'm seeing it differently because in my eyes, the shot is over. If he does a break-dance on the arrows, it does not lessen the shot he made nor the achievement in my eyes. It makes him look like a fool for break-dancing at the arrows, but in regards to the rules it wouldn't be an issue with me. He made the shot, it was legit.
As for the "if the guy is a jerk", well, I'm fickle about that. For a nice guy, no call. Heck, even for a guy I thought was an a-hole, I'd probably let it slide. But if I'd seen the guy nitpick everyone else for stupid crap like that (especially if he had done it to me) I'd call it on that guy. Oh yeah, he's definitely getting a taste of his own medicine!
Internet Tough Guy
Cyberspace Sheep Lover