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Author Topic: lanecleaner and bowlingballs  (Read 999 times)


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lanecleaner and bowlingballs
« on: July 24, 2008, 08:01:19 PM »
To maintain my equipment I give my bowlingballs a frequent washing.
Now I just use a dishwashing product like Dawn.

I was thinking of finding a better cleaner, but still very soft for the material.

What about lanecleaner in the right solution? It is designed to break down the specific oil. It has to be save for synthetics, because it's used on synthetic lanes and wooden lanes with a resin topcoat.

What do you think, is it save or will it harm the ball.

P.s. this was just a little brainstorm.



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Re: lanecleaner and bowlingballs
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2008, 06:16:27 AM »
I don't know what is in lanecleaners, but I would presume that in addition to cleaning agents there is likely some sort of conditioner to ensure the lanes don't dry out.  Something along the lines of Murphy's Oil Soap.  I wouldn't risk cleaning your balls with a lanecleaner until you are 100% sure of what's in it.
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Re: lanecleaner and bowlingballs
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2008, 08:26:30 PM »
A friend of mine used to do that all the time when he worked at the bowling alley.  Never saw any problems with his gear.


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Re: lanecleaner and bowlingballs
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2008, 06:52:38 PM »
I tend to use lane cleaner to clean my bowling balls.  Right now my center uses Kegel's Defense C and i mix it at 16-1 ratio for my equipment cleaning and other surfaces... I have never seen a residue or any ill effects.  I would be careful though it has broken down the paint on the self it drips on occasionally but that is when it is concentrated.

At the same time though use at your own risk, its not what it is intended for.