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Author Topic: I was in my doctor's office receiving physical therapy, today...  (Read 729 times)


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Kind of a strange thing happened, I met a woman, who was being treated for shoulder problems, the same as me...Not a bowler, though.

I probably said about 3 sentences to her in total. As she was leaving the therapy room, she handed a couples of flyers to my doctor.

He said to her: "I'll give them to the Big Lebowski, over there"...
He lover the movie, and "Big Lebowski" has become my patient name.

Sure you're familiar with "The Big Lebowski".

Flyers were for a Bowl-A-Thon for her husband Andy.

Here's the Link:

I don't know Dorrie or Andy....

This is Andy Schabow's story:
Andy was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in March of 2006. At that time, he was given 12 to 18 months to live. He has defied this prognosis! Andy is passionately involved and committed to raising money to fund research for brain tumors. Your contribution will help our fight to eliminate brain tumors.

Contact Dorrie Schabow at:

Let's spread some possible bowling energy....

Duke Harding

"Omnia mea mecum porto"