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Author Topic: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:  (Read 5333 times)


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What would you do if, while bowling your state's tournament, a member of the squad bowling the tournament on the lanes with you, takes it upon himself to remove your spare ball from the rack and place it at the table where you are sitting.

The ball return was set up to handle twelve balls on top, and eight at the bottom, allowing for two balls for each bowler. This guy decided that he wanted only ten or eleven balls on top, and that I should keep my spare ball at the table where I was sitting.

I left a ten pen and was looking all around for my spare ball, only to find it sitting in the chair at our table. I ask who moved my ball and was told that the guy, who by this time had come up to bowl in head of me, moved my ball. I politely touched him on his shoulder and told him not to move my ball again. He started yelling, one ball on the rack per bowler, despite the fact that there was nineteen on the top and bottom of the racks, and would have been twenty if he had not moved my ball. He also complained about me touching him, and said that he would call the police. I told him call the police, but that was my ball, and the police would have a problem if they moved my ball off the rack.

The guy kept on talking, so I told the guy that to me, there was no difference in him moving my ball, and me touching him to get his attention. He kept on talking, so I walked away. He left and some of his teammates came over and said let's just let it go, and keep bowling. We all agreed, but the guy came back and continued to run his mouth.  I am the last person to cause a problem and everyone from our center knows it, but I had taken about as much as I was going to take.

I told the guy that I walked away once, but if he walked back up on me, I was goin to beat his old arse.I was serious, and I guess he knew it. He shut up and kept his distance from me.

I was later told that he went to the office and complained to the tournament officials. They did not even bother to come out on the lanes, which I am sure made the guy more upset. I also found out that this guy got into it with another bowler while at the tournament, and everybody pretty much thought he was a a--hole.

Those that can do. Those that can''t complain. Pimpin ain''t easy, but it''s mandatory.

Most things we like, we don''t need. Most things we need, we don''t like. Don''t confuse your likes with your needs.



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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2009, 03:23:48 PM »
Given that I was at the same tournament as the original poster, let me add this: At no time during any of the shifts did anyone from the tournament state or imply that there was a "one ball per bowler rule" in effect.

ccrider, the next time State is in Mobile, you will hear them enact that rule if Florida Lanes cohosts, because that center can only hold 8-10 balls on the rack. The generally understood rule at Alabama State is that the rule is NOT in effect unless it is explicitly stated. Therefore, you were not required to move your stuff unless you guys were having trouble with return jams.

Personally, I handle it this way: I always take my spare ball off, whether there's room or not. I made it into part of my preshot routine for shooting spares. Reason being, there are places I go (including my home house) that have small returns. If I take it off everywhere, I never have to adjust mentally away from what I'm accustomed to.

As far as the guy in question, however, no one touches my stuff without my permission. I don't mind being asked to move it, and I'll ask other people to move their stuff sometimes if there's a problem. But for someone to assume they can move it without asking me -- then to cop an attitude about it -- that's over the line.



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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2009, 03:30:24 PM »
Personally I don't care if someone takes my spare ball off the rack as long as I am aware of where it ends up so the next time I need it I know where it is.

In your case, you were unaware of the location of your bowling ball...If it were me in your situation it would totally depend on the mood I was in. If it had been my 15th corner pin of the series and I was already upset about poor carry, or just plain throwin' it bad I would've reacted adversely. However, if I was bowling better, I wouldn't have a care in the world.

Jesse James

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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 03:32:53 PM »
Dude! Way to handle your business!

That guy must have figured he could brow-beat you into pacifying his personal wants. Surprise!

Way to stand your ground.
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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 03:49:53 PM »
u r a better man than me,,i would have taken his ball and threw it in the nearest garbage can,,,,i have anger issues,,,,


While I don't have anger issues larry lol, I still would have done it, and asked him if he was feeling froggy
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Edited on 4/9/2009 3:52 PM


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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2009, 03:55:18 PM »
Who cares if someone moves your bowling ball.
It's just a freaking ball people.  We move
other people's bowling balls around all the
time in our league, no one cares.  How could you not
know where he put it?  Was he sneaky or were you not
paying attention?  I think you are making way too
much of this and whining a little too much.


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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2009, 04:02:22 PM »


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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2009, 04:40:21 PM »
Who cares if someone moves your bowling ball.
It's just a freaking ball people.  We move
other people's bowling balls around all the
time in our league, no one cares.  How could you not
know where he put it?  Was he sneaky or were you not
paying attention?  I think you are making way too
much of this and whining a little too much.

It's not the moving the ball, it's the attitude that followed. In recent years, people have just forgotten that common courtesy used to be the rule of the day and it should be that way again.

If you need to move someone's stuff, ask first. I don't know of anyone who won't accommodate a reasonable request. If they smart off to you, they're the ones with the problem, not you.

But just deciding that you're going to be the Ball Rack Police, and then act an idiot when someone objects -- dumb.



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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2009, 05:17:48 PM »
Who cares if someone moves your bowling ball.
It's just a freaking ball people.  We move
other people's bowling balls around all the
time in our league, no one cares.  How could you not
know where he put it?  Was he sneaky or were you not
paying attention?  I think you are making way too
much of this and whining a little too much.


He moved my ball while I was on the lane (with my back to the rack)  taking my fist shot. I turned around looking for my ball after I left the ten pin. It was nowhere to be found.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 05:22:49 PM »
Given that I was at the same tournament as the original poster, let me add this: At no time during any of the shifts did anyone from the tournament state or imply that there was a "one ball per bowler rule" in effect.

ccrider, the next time State is in Mobile, you will hear them enact that rule if Florida Lanes cohosts, because that center can only hold 8-10 balls on the rack. The generally understood rule at Alabama State is that the rule is NOT in effect unless it is explicitly stated. Therefore, you were not required to move your stuff unless you guys were having trouble with return jams.

Personally, I handle it this way: I always take my spare ball off, whether there's room or not. I made it into part of my preshot routine for shooting spares. Reason being, there are places I go (including my home house) that have small returns. If I take it off everywhere, I never have to adjust mentally away from what I'm accustomed to.

As far as the guy in question, however, no one touches my stuff without my permission. I don't mind being asked to move it, and I'll ask other people to move their stuff sometimes if there's a problem. But for someone to assume they can move it without asking me -- then to cop an attitude about it -- that's over the line.



We were not having any problems with the returns. I would have gladly moved my ball if that was the rule. This guy just thought that he was in charge and could dictate to me. I told him to move one of his teammates spare balls off the bottom of the rack, if he had such a big problem. After that, I left my spare on top just to see if he was man enough to try to move it again.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.

Buddy Christ

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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2009, 05:22:53 PM »

You were perfectly in-line by your story, especially if he's known to act like a wad. Like the others have said, those of us with short fuses would've been a little less humane, which would've been totally out of line, but who cares. You sounded respectful, and the guy was acting like a douche. Good for you. It's happened to me a couple times, but usually it's a ball I'm not using, so I could care less.

BTW, I think your profile needs an update!

Maynard James Keenan
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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2009, 05:24:08 PM »
u r a better man than me,,i would have taken his ball and threw it in the nearest garbage can,,,,i have anger issues,,,,

^^^^^^ Funny.

I don't have anger issues, but if I had thought about that, I probably would have gotten a kick out of hiding his spare ball from him.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.

Mike Austin

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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2009, 07:24:52 PM »
Who cares if someone moves your bowling ball.
It's just a freaking ball people.  We move
other people's bowling balls around all the
time in our league, no one cares.  How could you not
know where he put it?  Was he sneaky or were you not
paying attention?  I think you are making way too
much of this and whining a little too much.

I've had too many balls stolen from me, some when I was present.  CC was exactly right, it's courtesy, you don't touch someone else's balls.... of any kind.  If he knew CC that would be one thing, but he didn't, so don't touch his stuff.  If he would like it moved ask.  I keep ball rings in my bag for just such reasons, no problem, ask first.  League is not the same thing, you probably know those people, tournament play is different.

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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2009, 07:54:33 PM »

I've had too many balls stolen from me, some when I was present.  CC was exactly right, it's courtesy, you don't touch someone else's balls.... of any kind.  If he knew CC that would be one thing, but he didn't, so don't touch his stuff.  If he would like it moved ask.  I keep ball rings in my bag for just such reasons, no problem, ask first.  League is not the same thing, you probably know those people, tournament play is different.



I keep a database list on my computer of all my gear and its serial numbers. Something I've started doing before going to tournaments is printing out a list of the serial numbers of my tournament arsenal and keeping it in my wallet.

That way, if someone bags some of your gear, you can prove it was yours to start with.



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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2009, 08:19:29 PM »
I have moved spare balls underneath the ball return where there is a rack for them when the top gets too full.