What would you do if, while bowling your state's tournament, a member of the squad bowling the tournament on the lanes with you, takes it upon himself to remove your spare ball from the rack and place it at the table where you are sitting.
The ball return was set up to handle twelve balls on top, and eight at the bottom, allowing for two balls for each bowler. This guy decided that he wanted only ten or eleven balls on top, and that I should keep my spare ball at the table where I was sitting.
I left a ten pen and was looking all around for my spare ball, only to find it sitting in the chair at our table. I ask who moved my ball and was told that the guy, who by this time had come up to bowl in head of me, moved my ball. I politely touched him on his shoulder and told him not to move my ball again. He started yelling, one ball on the rack per bowler, despite the fact that there was nineteen on the top and bottom of the racks, and would have been twenty if he had not moved my ball. He also complained about me touching him, and said that he would call the police. I told him call the police, but that was my ball, and the police would have a problem if they moved my ball off the rack.
The guy kept on talking, so I told the guy that to me, there was no difference in him moving my ball, and me touching him to get his attention. He kept on talking, so I walked away. He left and some of his teammates came over and said let's just let it go, and keep bowling. We all agreed, but the guy came back and continued to run his mouth. I am the last person to cause a problem and everyone from our center knows it, but I had taken about as much as I was going to take.
I told the guy that I walked away once, but if he walked back up on me, I was goin to beat his old arse.I was serious, and I guess he knew it. He shut up and kept his distance from me.
I was later told that he went to the office and complained to the tournament officials. They did not even bother to come out on the lanes, which I am sure made the guy more upset. I also found out that this guy got into it with another bowler while at the tournament, and everybody pretty much thought he was a a--hole.
Those that can do. Those that can''t complain. Pimpin ain''t easy, but it''s mandatory.
Most things we like, we don''t need. Most things we need, we don''t like. Don''t confuse your likes with your needs.