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Author Topic: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:  (Read 5332 times)


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What would you do if, while bowling your state's tournament, a member of the squad bowling the tournament on the lanes with you, takes it upon himself to remove your spare ball from the rack and place it at the table where you are sitting.

The ball return was set up to handle twelve balls on top, and eight at the bottom, allowing for two balls for each bowler. This guy decided that he wanted only ten or eleven balls on top, and that I should keep my spare ball at the table where I was sitting.

I left a ten pen and was looking all around for my spare ball, only to find it sitting in the chair at our table. I ask who moved my ball and was told that the guy, who by this time had come up to bowl in head of me, moved my ball. I politely touched him on his shoulder and told him not to move my ball again. He started yelling, one ball on the rack per bowler, despite the fact that there was nineteen on the top and bottom of the racks, and would have been twenty if he had not moved my ball. He also complained about me touching him, and said that he would call the police. I told him call the police, but that was my ball, and the police would have a problem if they moved my ball off the rack.

The guy kept on talking, so I told the guy that to me, there was no difference in him moving my ball, and me touching him to get his attention. He kept on talking, so I walked away. He left and some of his teammates came over and said let's just let it go, and keep bowling. We all agreed, but the guy came back and continued to run his mouth.  I am the last person to cause a problem and everyone from our center knows it, but I had taken about as much as I was going to take.

I told the guy that I walked away once, but if he walked back up on me, I was goin to beat his old arse.I was serious, and I guess he knew it. He shut up and kept his distance from me.

I was later told that he went to the office and complained to the tournament officials. They did not even bother to come out on the lanes, which I am sure made the guy more upset. I also found out that this guy got into it with another bowler while at the tournament, and everybody pretty much thought he was a a--hole.

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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2009, 09:29:10 AM »
My comment may have been "moronic" in your opinion, but the way this situation was handled would be considered "moronic" in the opinion of the majority of the people I bowl with.  And I am only using that word because it was used against me.  I would have not chosen that word otherwise.  How big are your settee areas your are spending an abnormal amount of time looking for your balls if they are politely taken off the rack. I realize from previous posts that some people do not think this was polite.  It's all opinion.

Strike ball, spare ball do make a difference.  Strike balls are used EVERY frame, spare balls are not.  If there is only room on the ball return for 1 ball per bowler it is very inconsiderate of you to have 2 balls on the rack.  I do not consider the rack under the ball return as part of the ball return.  If you have a ball on top and a ball on the bottom that is fine.  I also feel the rack underneath is fair game.  If you have more than one, then fine.  But only one on top.

And theft?  The guy took it off the rack and left it in clear daylight.  If he put it in his bag, hid in a place only he would find it, or maybe on the concourse, then yes theft.  But I'm sure that theft never crossed the guy's mind.  

The bowling environment in different areas must be vastly different.  I was pointing out that this is common place around me, and no one would even think twice about it.  It seems that some people are over protective of their equipment.  But you could be from an area where people get equipment stolen quite a bit.  So that could weigh heavily on your mindset.  And if that is your situation I am sorry.  That does not happen around me so it has no effect on my mindset.  And the question was what would "I" do if it happened to "me".

I am not condoning the way the guy that moved the ball handled the situation after he was confronted.  That was bad, and it should have never went that far.  But my point was there probably should not have been a confrontation in the first place.

I guess we all just come from different places and handle situations differently.  

Finally, I do not appreciate being called "moronic", for responding with an answer/opinion to a question that was asked.  When a person asks a question, "What would you do if this happened?" (and explains how they handled it) on a forum, people are going to respond.  And I responded with how it would be handled in my area.

Edited on 4/11/2009 9:32 AM
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member


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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #32 on: April 11, 2009, 01:17:10 PM »

   Been bowling for 40 years... as far as I am concerned, one ball on top for each bowler.. then if it gets too crowed everyone has the right to move any ball off the top to make room. As long as the ball is somewhere near the ball return its fine with me.

   But then, I have never been where there is more than a 12 top ball return and a 6 ball rack under. That equates to 18 balls or less than 2 per person. Perhaps, I would be more upset if there was enough room for two balls, I dont know.

   I might suggest, that as upset as you were might have come across to him, and as surprized as you were he might have been and you might have noted his surprize and both of you might have been abit out of sorts.

   I remember back in 04, I bowled a state tournament and guy on the pair next to me (a local yocal) complained I was "slow" bowling to the tournament officals. Next thing I know the tournament offical came down a said "that a complaint was brought that I was slow bowling". It was the 3 game of singles and I had a shot a being high. I continued to bowl the way I was, this guy next to me was complaining out loud. I ended up winning the state single scratch. The tournament offical said that he had to say something but that there was no real issue when he watched. I never said anything to the guy next to me, albeit I thought he was an A-HOLE. This season, 5 years later, we are bowling on the same team and previously never even said hi. As it turns out, it is true, he is an A-HOLE now that I really have had a chance to get to know him. But there is a reason for his madness not that it really makes any sense to me.. the bottom line is I am sure there is things I am "anal" about that others would deem me nuts over.

   That being the case I probally would have let the ball incident you described slide because everyone has quirks and bad days.. and it would not have bothered me as much as it did you.
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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2009, 01:25:01 PM »
Removing someones spareball is fair enough in a tournament like this in my opinion, though they way he reacted when you asked him about it makes him look like a bit of a nut..



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Re: What Would You Do if This Happen to You at State Tournaments:
« Reply #34 on: April 11, 2009, 03:36:46 PM »
This is the last post I am making on this topic. It is not getting anywhere or solving anything.

Seems to be a lot of "ME ME ME" attitude in previous responses and very little concern for other bowlers.  What happened to getting along with everyone and having a good time while competing.  It was said that if there is not enough room on the rack then I need to ask the person with the extra ball to move it.  Why can't they realize it them self and move it them self without being asked.  That would be the thing to do if they are concerned about the other bowlers.  But that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.  

Finally, I agree that there is always someone that thinks they own the place.  I dislike that person just as much as the next.  But this IMHO was not acting like that until confronted.  To me the simple act of removing the ball, does not represent an "I own the place attitude."  And as I stated before, after the confrontation I feel he was out of line.
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member