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Author Topic: Ball rec for a no thumb player  (Read 3354 times)


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Ball rec for a no thumb player
« on: February 24, 2016, 04:54:14 PM »
So a guy in the club I'm in plays without the thumb.
He gets quite a bit of rev, he throws above average speed.
Most of the time he stands on the left side of the middle, and throws his ball over the second mark out there.
Today he started throwing it over the third or closer to the middle, since it just slid through the oil it seemed in the 4th and 5th series.

He threw my Motiv Jackal ball twice. One time he threw it the same way as his own ball and then my ball went all the way over the left gutter, just missed the 7 pin.
Then I told him to stand far left and throw it over the mark he usually does. Then the ball went over on brooklyn, high one.
He says he want a Jackal too, he say he could get it to go into the pocket if he just throws it further out while standing far left.
BUT once the lane dries up a lot, he'll start having a lot of trouble imo.
Plus, the Jackal is an agressive ball.
I wouldn't recommend that ball for anyone who throw like that or 2 handers.

So which ball would you guys recommend to such a player?
Lots of people on Bowlers Uniting said Loco Solid and other balls for light oil.
But this guy seems to be drooling over the Jackal a lot :P
I highly doubt the PSOs here would recommend that ball to him.

Most of the time we play on heavy oil. On matches a bit less apparently, even though the alley guy tells us it's the same pattern as the one we get on practice.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 04:56:52 PM by ThomasBowling »
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.



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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2016, 05:34:03 PM »
This guy still has a lot to learn.  You cant get by with just one ball at a competitive level no matter how good your ability to adjust on the lane.  Also you cant always find a way to just stand further left and throw it further right.   

Nothing wrong with the Jackal.  It may warrant a place in his bag, but along with it he needs some tamer stuff, including possibly a urethane ball. 


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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2016, 07:06:21 PM »
This guy still has a lot to learn.  You cant get by with just one ball at a competitive level no matter how good your ability to adjust on the lane.  Also you cant always find a way to just stand further left and throw it further right.   

Nothing wrong with the Jackal.  It may warrant a place in his bag, but along with it he needs some tamer stuff, including possibly a urethane ball.

I've recommended the Pitch Black to him.

(Hoping for more posts in the time I'll be sleeping hehe)
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.

Ken De Beasto

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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2016, 07:08:47 PM »
How does he stand all the way left guessing 40 board n throw it at second arrow or 10 board????? At that angle should be in the gutter. Keeping same target changes the breakpoint.


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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2016, 08:50:57 PM »
As a no-thumb bowler for almost 5+ years now, I can say that he would need a greater variety in his bag. Like for me, I think I have almost every area covered, Two different heavy oil balls, one for medium, one for light, and a urethane for spares.

Adjustments are key (something that I'm still learning), so having some options if one thing isn't working is always a good thing.

Overall, I'd say get the Jackal, something considerably weaker for med-light conditions, and definitely a urethane for a spare ball.

I, for one, don't see why he plays so far left. My release is near 300+ rpm at 16-16.5 mph and I stand about 23 and aim between 10-15. Unless he's really rev dominant, he needs to tighten his angle and try not to sweep it out so far.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 09:18:44 PM by Jaleel121 »


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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2016, 06:25:38 AM »
How does he stand all the way left guessing 40 board n throw it at second arrow or 10 board????? At that angle should be in the gutter. Keeping same target changes the breakpoint.

Well he doesn't loaft the ball over to the second pin of course, but it goes over there before it starts to hook. Think it actually goes over the 5th board before it hooks.
Well that was with my Jackal.
With his ball, he stands more in the middle, then get the ball over the second mark(10th board).
But his ball struggle to hook after awhile.
He bowls with this one

Gonna add some links to some urethane balls. (and all the Storm Mix balls, but those things are ugly :P)

« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 06:57:03 AM by ThomasBowling »
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2016, 07:41:50 AM »
I think that a urethane ball is always a good idea for the higher-rev guys. If you need proof of that, just look at what Jesper Svennson can do when he gets to throw urethane. Still, don't totally discount stronger balls or at least some surface on weaker balls. When I was bowling two-handed, I actually found really good results adding some surface to some medium pieces so that they'd pick up earlier and avoid going sideways down the lane. Everyone automatically thinks that weaker, shiny stuff automatically works best for the no-thumb bowlers of the world, but that isn't always true. Sometimes stronger balls burn off a bit and allow for a smoother reaction that still maintains plenty of hitting power.


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Re: Ball rec for a no thumb player
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2016, 11:08:30 AM »
I've sent him the link to the thread, hope he checks it out.
Gonna make a list of balls I think might be good for the guy, you guys say if it's wrong or right.

Starting with some heavy oil balls, that's probably agressive (probably more agressive than the Jackal since they're newer)
There's probably more DV8 balls that is for heavy oil, but I've never bothered much with DV8.

This is one of the 2 balls I'm buying next month
This one is most likely more agressive than the Jackal.
And this is the other one:
Hammer say it'll hook for even the most rev challenged players, which you aren't C :P This one you have to ask Tore to get, since Azo isn't one of the companies he promotes on his page.

This one is said to work with all styles, well according to Roto Grip at least

Now for less oil than heavy patterns: (this is one of the balls people on Bowlers Uniting recommended for no thumb players) this is one of the balls Jason Belmonte uses (he's a 2 hander with a lot of rev) that one is for medium to heavy I think. It's the pearl version of the Swerve I'm getting. it's just a damn nice looking ball :P For medium. I've read comments by people who say they can't get it to hook much on heavy oil. But with your rev rate, you'll most likely get it to hook much more.

Motiv balls:
This one is made for when the lanes dry up. But will hook on heavy oil when players like you throw it.
EJ Tackett threw it in the Tournament of Champions and hooked it so damn much.
Video of it
He's playing against another no thumber.
And the no thumber's arsenal is: (Hook potential: 9.0) (8.5) (7.0. Retired ball though) (3.0. So pretty much a spare ball)
Most used:
Motiv Venom Shock (14)
DV8 Grudge Hybrid (14)
Hammer Scandal (14)
DV8 Freakshow (14)

C300 Swerve (14)
Motiv Jackal LE (14)

Roto Grip Sinister (13)
Motiv Jackal (14)

Given to a no-thumber in the club:
Brunswick T-zone (13)

Might stick with Motiv from now on.