Let me see if I can answer most, if not all of your questions.
The tournament is a 3 day event that has you bowling 4 games each day (with fresh oil each day). It's only 3 people per lane (6 people per set), so the lanes breakdown very little...I maybe move my feet 2 boards left at the most. The "dry" that I stated isn't Sahara dry, but a medium-dry and last year I used a Vivid Dream (Lucid with NRG cover). The year before it was a heavier volume and I had to use an IQ Tour Solid (didn't bring a heavy oil ball), and I had to slow the ball speed and throw off of the corner. I have 250-300 revs, a higher ball speed and I come up the back of the ball, so I need the stronger equipment to get back to the pocket.
The Orleans has been described as a wet house shot, so I would consider it a low friction house (best guess). I remember there being out-of-bounds outside of 5 board, it didn't matter if the lanes were dry or wet.
As to what ball selections I have to choose from...the term "ball whore" has been thrown around to describe my inventory. They are all from Storm and Roto Grip, and I am covered for all conditions. I could buy a ball while I am there, but I would do it as a last resort.
I am looking for general ideas about what someone would take in this situation (unknown oil volume). I am not looking for an individual ball name, but a generic description of the ball: heavy oil, medium, dry, etc. In my case, I am thinking of taking a Heavy Oil (Sinister), Medium-Heavy (Marvel Pearl), and plastic spare ball.
Thank you for any and all opinions that you can give.