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Author Topic: What would your league secretary do??  (Read 3167 times)


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What would your league secretary do??
« on: November 06, 2008, 03:30:52 AM »
Last night in league was position night (we do thirds).  We're in first by 3 1/2 games.  Here comes a guy who puts down his balls and says he is subbing for the other team.  He arguably is one of the best bowlers in the state and his average last year ranged from 228-243.  Anyway, I asked him if he had bowled yet this year in our league, he had not.  Our league rule says you have to bowl at least two weeks in the league before you can bowl a position night  I asked the league secretary, who, citing the rule said 'technically he can't bowl...but I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if you want to allow him to bowl'  At that point, our team captain said no.  Showing his maturity, the individual proceeded to bad mouth us to anyone who would hear his story (from what I was told, several expletives were used)  Other teams in the league backed up our decision to not allow the sub.  The other team ended up bowling 1 short.  

Here's my question...Do you think the league secretary was wrong in not making the call based on the known rule versus putting it back on our team to play the heavy?  To me it showed a lack of backbone on his part.

I'm interested in your opinions.    



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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 11:32:48 AM »
knowing my secritary she probably would have let him bowl..
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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 11:38:44 AM »
As with any league, you have a rule, use it or get rid of it. One league, the officers, all of them, are hard azzes, good for them. They live by the rules. The other league, if they feel they want to use a rule, they do, if they want to break the rule, they do, I won't be back in that one next year.

My thought, why have a rule you will not stand by ? What USBC rule do they want to break ? Can we throw 5 balls ? Can we throw rocks ? My point is, if you have a rule, live by it. If you don't like the rule, vote it out, plain and simple.

Your secretary needs to grow a pair and had said, No, you will not bowl.

az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Edited on 11/6/2008 12:39 PM


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 11:39:00 AM »
Yes, he should have made the call. It is cut and dry. If he would not make the call, it should have been the President. You did the right thing.

Last year, we had a team, in a roll off, that came to the captains of all the teams and asked if someone, who had not bowled in the quarter, could bowl. Last year he was a regular with the team and all the captains agreed to let him bowl. but if any would have objected he would not have bowled.

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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 11:39:30 AM »

Here's my question...Do you think the league secretary was wrong in not making the call based on the known rule versus putting it back on our team to play the heavy?  To me it showed a lack of backbone on his part.

I'm interested in your opinions.    

Yes, that's pretty lame.  Our league secretaries would have just flat out told him/her that they could not bowl.

Remember things like that when you all have to vote for your secretary next year.
Does it really matter?


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 11:42:50 AM »
WE had this in our league last night also.  Not only did the secratary make the call but the President agreed.  Team bowled one short.  Here is the catch.  THe team claimed that they had written on the sheet a few weeks back to add this bowler to thier roster.  Sect handed them copies of all league sheets and said show it to me and he can bowl.  Of course they could not find it.  Rules are rules and not just when you want them to be.


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2008, 11:44:36 AM »
If there is a written league rule, then there is a written league rule.  Cut and dry.  It was wrong of the secretary to put it on you guys.  The answer should have plainly been, "Sir, I am sorry, but league rules state blah blah blah blah, which means that you can't bowl tonight.  I'm sorry for your inconveniece of having to travel here unnecessarily."
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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 02:09:53 PM »
If there is a written league rule, then there is a written league rule. Cut and dry.

After the rules are approved by the league, it takes 100% of the team captains and officers (ONLY) to change a rule.

I've also not gone back to leagues because of this.
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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 05:07:23 PM »
I have been a secretary before.  I also had to do several things that weren't exactly what I wanted to do, but they were the rules.

  If the rule exists exactly as you stated it, it was the secretaries JOB to tell this person no bowling.  If he/she didn't, they are not fulfilling their duties as secretary and should/could be removed from office, forfeiting any secretarial fees accrued.

  If it is an existing rule, it takes a vote to remove OR alter it in any way and if no vote was taken, the secretary HAS ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to just "leave it up to the teams".  If rules are open to interpretation, what about the team that feels it should get double points for wins?  Would the secretary just leave that up to the team to decide? NO!

  Rules are rules.  If the secretary won't enforce them, file a grievance with U.S.B.C. against them and have them removed from office.  Or maybe, just explain that this is what will happen the next time they refuse to do their job!
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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 05:14:01 PM »
Your secretary has a testosterone deficiency


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 05:18:51 PM »
You do not have an option to not follow the league rules.  The rules
are there for a reason.


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 05:37:06 PM »
One would not have allowed him to bowl at all. I have had one that would make a decision but would ask the team to see what they say but would go with his decision. Another would have done what the team would want to do.


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2008, 07:01:01 PM »
One would not have allowed him to bowl at all. I have had one that would make a decision but would ask the team to see what they say but would go with his decision. Another would have done what the team would want to do.

Kyle, you probably know whom I'm talking about.  What really p'd me off was the uncomfortable situation created, not only for those directly involved, but the bystanders who had to listen to the individual's one-sided description of the events. I glanced back from time to time to see how many people were being told 'his story'.  I felt somewhat obligated to go to some of them, the ones I know and respect as true bowlers, and explain our side of the story.  For those who don't know the rules, our team is now perceived as a bunch of a-holes who were afraid to let this guy bowl.  I'm pretty sure it affected our team captain having to make the call as he only shot 450 something and the other team beat us 130+ in game 1.  We came back and won games 2 and 3 to win the third, but it could have all been avoided with a simple answer by the elected officials.

I appreciate all your comments and support that we did the right thing.

Edited on 11/6/2008 8:01 PM


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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 07:49:00 PM »
It's not the league secy's call. It's up to the president to enforce the rules. You should have went directly to the pres. Secy's can't enforce rules.

102e. Duties of the Secretary


In addition to the duties specified by the board of directors, the secretary/league official shall:

1.   Have every participant complete a membership card application and collect appropriate membership dues.

2.   Forward the annual membership dues with completed league application and membership card applications to the local association manager(s) within 30 days after the league begins to bowl. Membership card applications and applicable fees for additional members shall also be forwarded to the local association manager(s) within 30 days of receipt.

3.   Keep minutes of all league meetings, handle all league correspondence and notify the members or team captains of all league meetings.

4.   Have a current standing sheet available for the members to see at each league session. The standing sheet shall contain the average, number of games and total pins for each member, and any scores eligible for special prizes the league issues.  (For more information on completing standing sheets, see the League Operations Handbook.)

5.   Be responsible for a record of the scores bowled by all team members and substitutes, and report scores that are eligible for USBC, state and local association awards.

a.   Submit a completed award application within 20 days.

b.   Notify the local association manager or authorized representative within 48 hours of scores that are eligible for USBC honor score recognition.

6.   Give each member of the board a copy of the league rules and prize list and see that the league schedule is either posted in the bowling center or given to each team captain.

7.   Give a copy of the final standing sheet to the league treasurer so the awards can be distributed.

8.   Turn over to the newly-elected officer all league records, such as minutes of meetings, copies of rules and prize lists, league property, etc.

9.   Furnish a list of individual averages to the local association manager(s), when requested. The list must show the full names and ID numbers of all bowlers who competed in the league, the number of games bowled, total pinfall and average for each bowler.

10.On request of the local association or USBC, provide a list of names and addresses of the league officers and the names of captains and members in the league.

11.Notify league members of all local association meetings and any proposed changes in local association dues.

President rules

102c. Duties of the President


The president/league supervisor shall perform the following duties:

1.   Preside at all league meetings.

2.   Enforce all rules and regulations of the league.

3.   Arrange to have an account set up in a recognized banking institution in the name of the league with the signatures of at least two officers required for all withdrawals.

4.   Appoint a prize committee and an auditing committee, as well as any other committees needed during the season. (For more information on committees, see the League Operations Handbook.)

5. Arrange to have the prize committee submit one or more prize lists for consideration by the fifth week. (See Rule 117a.)

6. Personally verify the league’s bank balance monthly.  (For a monthly president verification worksheet, see the League Operations Handbook.)

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Re: What would your league secretary do??
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2008, 07:58:45 PM »
It's not the league secy's call. It's up to the president to enforce the rules. You should have went directly to the pres. Secy's can't enforce rules.

102e. Duties of the Secretary


In addition to the duties specified by the board of directors, the secretary/league official shall:

1.   Have every participant complete a membership card application and collect appropriate membership dues.

2.   Forward the annual membership dues with completed league application and membership card applications to the local association manager(s) within 30 days after the league begins to bowl. Membership card applications and applicable fees for additional members shall also be forwarded to the local association manager(s) within 30 days of receipt.

3.   Keep minutes of all league meetings, handle all league correspondence and notify the members or team captains of all league meetings.

4.   Have a current standing sheet available for the members to see at each league session. The standing sheet shall contain the average, number of games and total pins for each member, and any scores eligible for special prizes the league issues.  (For more information on completing standing sheets, see the League Operations Handbook.)

5.   Be responsible for a record of the scores bowled by all team members and substitutes, and report scores that are eligible for USBC, state and local association awards.

a.   Submit a completed award application within 20 days.

b.   Notify the local association manager or authorized representative within 48 hours of scores that are eligible for USBC honor score recognition.

6.   Give each member of the board a copy of the league rules and prize list and see that the league schedule is either posted in the bowling center or given to each team captain.

7.   Give a copy of the final standing sheet to the league treasurer so the awards can be distributed.

8.   Turn over to the newly-elected officer all league records, such as minutes of meetings, copies of rules and prize lists, league property, etc.

9.   Furnish a list of individual averages to the local association manager(s), when requested. The list must show the full names and ID numbers of all bowlers who competed in the league, the number of games bowled, total pinfall and average for each bowler.

10.On request of the local association or USBC, provide a list of names and addresses of the league officers and the names of captains and members in the league.

11.Notify league members of all local association meetings and any proposed changes in local association dues.

President rules

102c. Duties of the President


The president/league supervisor shall perform the following duties:

1.   Preside at all league meetings.

2.   Enforce all rules and regulations of the league.

3.   Arrange to have an account set up in a recognized banking institution in the name of the league with the signatures of at least two officers required for all withdrawals.

4.   Appoint a prize committee and an auditing committee, as well as any other committees needed during the season. (For more information on committees, see the League Operations Handbook.)

5. Arrange to have the prize committee submit one or more prize lists for consideration by the fifth week. (See Rule 117a.)

6. Personally verify the league’s bank balance monthly.  (For a monthly president verification worksheet, see the League Operations Handbook.)

3 holes of fun!!

As nice a guy as he is, the president is 'in title' only.  As many years as I've bowled in this league, I have never seen anyone ask the president a rules question.  The secretary also runs the end of year tournament, and I've never seen the president there either.