Susquehanna River Tribe in conjunction with Cherry
School of Bowling highly put praise on Spinner of
Balls. Surface prep is a necessity to perform at
highest of levels that has been attained by Cherry
School in achieving the maximust turn on the dressing
while still being able to control lane play. In the
words of Chief Whistler, usually for the most part
if your in control of lane play you can pretty much
pick the channel on the TV to watch while your bowling.
To one who is Innovative with Bowling, Smoke Signals
have risen above Reservation and perhaps maybe for the
most part have angered some Spirits along with Cherry
School. Anger may be coming on talks of this On Lane
Video that may be circulating in Sales from World Wide
InterWeb. Cherry School has been working Video Angle
for some time now and will need to step up quality to
match said video. Cherry School believes maybe perhaps
some stuff translated from Smoke Signals were a bit
redonkulous and would consider a Merger in Video World.
Consider this a Peace Pipe of sorts to one who is
Innovative with Bowling. The Tribe and Cherry School
will await Signal of Responsiveness. Kudos to the
Service you Provide because you can't put a price on
that! In the words of Chief Whistler, if your looking
at the cost vs price, it may be more costly, but the price
may be the same or in other words they may be exactly not
disimilar depending on how you look at it mathematically
using numbers.
Peace out to the one we call Innovative with Bowling.