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Author Topic: ? for the lane men/women  (Read 700 times)


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? for the lane men/women
« on: October 21, 2009, 04:15:04 PM »
Okay  i think i figured out the differance beteew the 2 houses i bowl at.

The house where i bowl at 9 am I can throw my VG and or the VE all 3 games and not move (too much) maybe 5 boards at the most.

This new house where i have bowled 2 wks now (wow) even the Toxic i have to keep to the inside of 12 (more like 15/17 straight down).  

This 2nd house is tering me a new one. its a ths but they say it is never the same wk to wk. Last wk i was able to swing the ve from 20 - 3 and in then it went 20 -10.

the lanes had the dresser ran down lane 10 3 times and down lane 9 once..

    Back to the ?.. both houses have syn. lanes.

Would dressing the lanes the night before cause a flatter patter.  I know the am leage doesn't oil right before we bowl and there is considerable oil there.  All the way out to 5.

Guess  bowling in this other league will be good for real oil application and lane changes.  Just got spoiled in a soupy house. Cause man does this shoot change and change "QUICK"



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Re: ? for the lane men/women
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 07:08:06 AM »
Most oils are 100% solids, so oiling the night before shouldn't matter too much because there is nothing in the oil to evaporate.
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Re: ? for the lane men/women
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 09:12:34 AM »
Oil is still a liquid and is viscous. Sitting overnight will cause it to settle and blend a LITTLE. More importantly is the surface condition of the lanes. That will cause more difference and more change than anything else.

If lane 10 was ran 3 times and lane 9 only once, it could be them priming the machine on that first lane. Each lane thereafter should only be run once.
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Re: ? for the lane men/women
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 05:09:16 PM »
the house that oiled right before league the lanes are a new syn. overlay.

The shot dried out so bad , in the heads you could see all the lines people were throwing.

Either the Fri laegues early oiling or they but down a considerable amount more for the VG/VE to be used all 3 games.

Also I ave 200+ in the Fri league but this night league (wed) after 2 wks i am only ave 166 (man that hurts).  

The (wed) night league also has spot league so I am thinking that maybe it is a sport shot oil pattern.  I've never bowled on them so i don't know what to expect. i guess to bee on the safe side i sould have a look see at the suggested lines of play for them.