Try putting a piece of black tape inside your outer sleeve to tighten it up a bit.
I've been using the system for several years. BTW, I have had four different people install outer sleeves in balls that I have had drilled, and each is exactly the same. If the installer knows what he/she is doing, there should be no problem with that.
I finally had one of my inner sleeves break off recently, after years of use. It was one of the originals, which had flimsier tabs than the current ones have.
I have seen the Vise IT system, and it looks like it is very good. However, I can't see switching to it, since I have so many balls with Turbo Switch Grips. Right now, I suspect it would be even more difficult to find drillers that install the Vise IT system than those who install the Switch Grip system, although that may change over time.