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Author Topic: Whats up with BBE  (Read 2199 times)


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Whats up with BBE
« on: June 16, 2009, 12:03:34 PM »
I recently joined BBE to unload some balls and never really looked around the site much as a found it hard to navigate. The last couple of days I been checking out a little more and it seems that 2/3rds of the post are from Lane #1 lovers telling each other how good the balls are and that some day they might crack deuce on the great wall if they have every ball ever made in syracuse. Am I correct in thinking that this site is run by them or was taken over by saw heads and Lame #1.



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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 08:08:05 PM »
The Lane 1 pimp hand is very strong over there, but I hear some ok guys hang out in the chat room .
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just another never was

Joe Jr

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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 08:17:00 PM »
Yep, sounds about right, it's a shame too seeing how I was one of the first probably 10-20 users there.
My Vid
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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 08:50:02 PM »
I like the BBE site because it is well monitered by the moderators and unlike this site that is headed down hill fast, they have a zero tolerance  policy when it comes to the crap the trolls and trouble makers post on this site. Everyone gets along over there regardless of whether they throw Lane 1, Ebonite, Storm, Brunswick or what ever.  This BR site has lost many-many good and knowledgable people because of all the craps that goes on here. I seldom visit and post on this site anymore because of all of the crap that goes on here whereas I used to visit and post several times daily.
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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2009, 08:35:28 PM »

I am not a sawhead or a FOS member but I will agree with Brick on this one.  I have watched as BR has steadily gone down hill over the past 6 months.  Quite a few guys that used to post daily with good info seem to hardly post much anymore.  Maybe they are tiring of the juvenile attitudes and internet tough guy attitudes.  

I have not been on the BBE site but think I will start checking out the other bowling sites to see what is available.


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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2009, 08:44:14 PM »
On BBE you have to be a member to even read the posts! I read about 5 threads last night and when I went to read the 6th, I was told to sign up or I can't read anymore posts. is the same way. For the majority of the posts, you have to be a member to read them and on that site there are a lot of anti-reactive resin people over there and many old timers like PBA touring pro of the 1970's and 1980's Arnie Goldman with an axe to grind. He has one thread where he complains that Turbo-2 and 1 Grips stole his idea for the switch grip slug.


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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2009, 09:52:01 PM »
+1 to Brick.

BBE isn't really that hard to navigate after you've poked around for a session. And best of all, it's free of troll droppings. No need for rubber boots to slog through a thread and get some good information.
Sig not currently in use. I'm not interested in playing games.

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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2009, 09:54:33 PM » is a good site but so large it is hard to navigate.


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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2009, 10:24:51 PM »
+2 to the fix. BBE is Lane #1 all day, every day. It is so sugary it makes you want to puke.

Fanatize and call it what you want. Doesn't bother me or anyone else. If you don't like it, then don't go there and if you are going to respond that you don't go there, then you don't know what is there and only blowing smoke which is all of your posts amount to anyhow.
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"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2009, 08:02:10 AM »
as one of the originals to build up that site and a super mod there, its a shame that people think it is a lane 1 site, are they a big part?  sure, but they are also a financial contributor to the site via ball give aways.  no one is blasted for th eequipment they throw nor are they turned away, hell CRD even you would be welcome (at least for a few minutes until you pulled your trollesque stunts you do here)  we do not tolerate the blasting of ANY COMPANY period, we have all the new releases up for review, way faster then the majority of sitee, we monitor ball reviews, we have mods for each and every forum and have forums for just about every subject, that way if one wants to talk Golf, racing or trash, there is someplace to do it and they are moderated

We pride ourselves on being an open bowling site where one can talk about anything or any brand

is the site dominated by lane 1, sure, but thats only because others decide not to visit, our memeber base runs in favor of te lane 1 brand, but that could change in a month

the behavior I see in many of these forums here would not be tolerated there

get over yourself and your hatred for lane 1 we run a great site and have tons of knowledge on all fronts

BBE isn't really that hard to navigate after you've poked around for a session. And best of all, it's free of troll droppings. No need for rubber boots to slog through a thread and get some good information about lane 1's fantasy equipment and doesnt allow people to really voice their opinion

+2 to the fix.  BBE is Lane #1 all day, every day.  It is so sugary it makes you want to puke.  

Well, we can all tell you-know-who is back.  The use of the word "troll" has gone up by 200%.  Change the record already.

We got a kinder, gentler machine-gun hand!

For a good time dial 1-900-KOOLAID.  Ask for Steven.

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F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby


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Re: Whats up with BBE
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2009, 08:28:16 AM »
Thats the part where you go asttay tho, you as well as the others know, how defensive these guys get, so you keep pushing and pushing till you get that response, I realize you dont knock the company, but at the same time, knocking the vocal users is in turn knocking the company.  what if you hung out in the big b forum and knocked on Nick?  Nicks a great guy and I would never see anyone doing that to him, but what if?  how many big b fanatics would come to his side and rip into you just as it happens on the lane 1 board?

I understand your fun and games, I also understand many that come into the lane 1 forum dont actually throw the stuff, they are just sheep following along cause it seems like fun.  but what you do could be done in any forum for any ball company on this sitem and the results would be very similar

you're like that 14 year old kid sneaking that porno into his room to watch, you know its wrong but oh it feels so good

Doesn't bother me or anyone else.  

Must bother you a bit, you were compelled to respond and tell us how it doesn't bother you.  

Ah, trigger, trigger, trigger.  I have never blasted a ball company.  That's where you Lane #1 honks always go astray.  I, and others, blast the PEOPLE that go on and on and on and on ad nauseum about a certain ball company.  You guys just don't realize how funny and comical you are to the rest of us.  


We got a kinder, gentler machine-gun hand!

For a good time dial 1-900-KOOLAID.  Ask for Steven.

Nothing could be further from the truth than "The Truth"

Edited on 6/18/2009 8:06 AM



F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby