I think Brunswick needs to learn how to apply their logo's and model lables on their balls! With everyone worrying so much about balls being out of round and, being so careful to sand the ball on all 18 sides,, IF you have a Brunswick Monster Frenzy, or Swamp Monster it's already a problem. The lables are RAISED above the surface on these balls and, I am sure on some of their other models as well. Just drilled a Frenzy and nearly every lable is in my track. Does this matter? I suppose it's negligible if it does ,,, BUT WHY! Why cant they do like the other companies do,,, ETCH the darned logo INTO the ball and fill it with paint. MAybe it's not a big deal,,, but it is just another thing you shouldnt have to think or worry about.
NOW,,, lets say you have a Monster ball and you need to change the surface... Opppsss,,, there goes all of the markings EXCEPT for the serial number! You would think that with all of their Marketing expertise they would realize this and, DO IT THE CORRECT WAY. If I had bought a ball from my neighbor who cast a bowling ball from his porch light globe I might expect something like this,,, but I dont think I should from the Big B.
Ok,,,, I feel a little better after getting that off my chest. Now I need to go out in the garage and sand the lables off of my 2 day old Frenzy.