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Author Topic: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?  (Read 2255 times)


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Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« on: May 11, 2003, 04:03:04 AM »
I think Brunswick needs to learn how to apply their logo's and model lables on their balls! With everyone worrying so much about balls being out of round and, being so careful to sand the ball on all 18 sides,, IF you have a Brunswick Monster Frenzy, or Swamp Monster it's already a problem. The lables are RAISED above the surface on these balls and, I am sure on some of their other models as well. Just drilled a Frenzy and nearly every lable is in my track. Does this matter? I suppose it's negligible if it does ,,, BUT WHY! Why cant they do like the other companies do,,, ETCH the darned logo INTO the ball and fill it with paint. MAybe it's not a big deal,,, but it is just another thing you shouldnt have to think or worry about.

NOW,,, lets say you have a Monster ball and you need to change the surface... Opppsss,,, there goes all of the markings EXCEPT for the serial number! You would think that with all of their Marketing expertise they would realize this and, DO IT THE CORRECT WAY. If I had bought a ball from my neighbor who cast a bowling ball from his porch light globe I might expect something like this,,, but I dont think I should from the Big B.

Ok,,,, I feel a little better after getting that off my chest. Now I need to go out in the garage and sand the lables off of my 2 day old Frenzy.



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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2003, 07:16:30 PM »
I don't know why they do it like that, but I like their balls best.  I HATE Columbia's label though, I can't throw their equipment because my drillings always put the label near my palm, and I already have a callous beneath my index finger.  Their logos are so sharp that it REALLY cuts my hand up.  I tried to even them out, but they're just too deep.
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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2003, 07:22:47 PM »
I don't know why they do it like that, but I like their balls best.  I HATE Columbia's label though, I can't throw their equipment because my drillings always put the label near my palm, and I already have a callous beneath my index finger.  Their logos are so sharp that it REALLY cuts my hand up.  I tried to even them out, but they're just too deep.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!

Fill them in with paint!?

Then sand the ball.


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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2003, 07:25:54 PM »
Lol, Columbia balls aren't worth the trouble.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!

Brian Green

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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2003, 07:33:34 PM »
i agree that columbia balls arent worth the trouble......  

i do know from expierence that brunswicks logos last the longest on balls....  i have taken zones and rhinos and the never fuzes down to 80 grit quite often and the logos are like new still............  so i think brunswick does the best on labels
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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2003, 07:40:33 PM »
i agree that columbia balls arent worth the trouble......  

i do know from expierence that brunswicks logos last the longest on balls....  i have taken zones and rhinos and the never fuzes down to 80 grit quite often and the logos are like new still............  so i think brunswick does the best on labels

I agree with you on the Columbia deal....

i think brunswick does the best on labels

How can you say that when in one sanding on a haus machine the lables were all but gone on a Swamp Monster. FIRST resurface and, it was a light one. Yes, I sanded the heck out of my 3 Rhino's and, the lables are still there. Point is why are the new balls like this?

Agreed, not ALL Brunswicks are like that. I have a new Groove Blue Sanded Urethane that has RECESSED lables! So the cheap balls get the correct lables and the mid priced get Shlock jobs...

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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2003, 02:31:56 AM »
Obviously some darn bean counter at Brunswick found a way to shave off 10 cents in production cost by painting the label on top of the ball, rather than doing it correctly and engraving the label.  Typically, SNAFU's such as this can be traced back to someone who doesn't even know what the product is making decisions, or should I say "incompetency".

Speaking of Columbia labels, from what I've found, the engraved Columbia labels are just about the right depth to give you an indicator of when you are getting near the minimum specification diameter of the ball.  A full diameter ball is about 8.595" in diameter, and the minimum diameter is about 8.500".  If the label is engraved about 0.045" (which looks pretty much the case to me), then the label will be sanded away as the ball gets to 8.500" in diameter.  Maybe Columbia might have had some rhyme and reason to their engraving depth, or so it might seem.


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Re: Whats Up with Brunswick Lables?
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2003, 06:58:24 AM »

Now, thats a SMART idea! Engraving the balls to minimum diameter allowable. Only problem I could see with this is these guys sanding / resurfacing their balls with a hand held grinder making them EGG shaped.

If they had lables or even depth markers engraved at top/bottom & left/right sides this would be a nice indication of how close you were to the 8.50" minimum.

We should open up our own ball company!