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Author Topic: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?  (Read 7078 times)


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I used a wrist support for years and my coaches always told me to get rid of it.  I finally did about two weeks ago but my ball span seems short.  Is it mental or does the relaxed hand/wrist need a little longer span drilled in the ball?  If so, about how much?

I'm drilling a Grand Illusion with the span 3/32 longer just to try it out, but i would like some opinions.

Thank you,

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 12/29/2008 9:06 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2008, 08:37:39 PM »
Generally speaking, a normal wrist support will limit mobility which lengthens the span. So if you are going away from wearing one, your span would more than likely will short.
I am not sure why you chose 3/32" but I would just have the span checked without the support on to find out what it should be.
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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2008, 08:40:44 PM »
I was at 4 1/8th when I used a metal brace, I too found that my span was too relaxed when I got rid of the brace. I am now at 4 3/8- on the middle and 4 3/8th+ on the ring.

I don't think it is mental at all. Reason being when you strap into the brace you are making your hand conform to the brace which is usually cupped, because where your strap runs across your hand gets tightened to the brace.

Take your thumb and put in the center of your palm and then put your index finger on the middle knuckle where it meets your hand and push. To me that is similar to what happens when I strapped into a brace.. Just my opinion.

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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 08:45:28 PM »
I used a wrist support for several years and I too felt my span shorter once I stopped using it. Now I have several years bowling without a wrist support and when I use one my span feel longer.

I guess the wrist support won't allow the hand to fully extend and that's why the ball span feels longer with it. I did not change my balls span, because when drilling my bowling balls my hand span was measured without a wrist support, so I guess they already have the correct span, and with the time i got used to the new feeling.


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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2008, 10:18:58 AM »
A shorter span is required to get a good fit for a customer that uses a brace.  How much shorter depends on the brace.  Best practice is to measure with the brace on.  So yes, the span will feel shorter if you take the brace off.  --  JohnP


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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 02:27:14 PM »
Hey Nic,

What I've found is that any wrist support that has a palm strap of some sort will affect your span to some degree because you are no longer truly fitting or feeling "hand to the ball".  

Basic supports like Robby's even have that thin metal piece in your palm so those tend to push the ball even further from your true grip.  For people who didn't like the feel, I removed the front metal part (there's a small opening in the glove to do so) of the Robby's while leaving the back metal piece for some support.  On the stronger heavier duty types (Pro Release, Cobra, Scorpion etc), I used to not use the velcro strap in the palm so I could have the true feel of hand to the ball but utilize the stronger back support.

When I fit new customers, I do ask if they used a glove of some sort and make them wear it as I fit them.  Hope this helps some..
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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2008, 02:44:31 PM »
Some months ago I had the opportunity to assist to a Mo Pinel mini clinic. Since I use a wrist support. I was going to take it off so he can find my span measurements and he said to leave it on so the true span measurements are taken.

Just like tenpinspro said.


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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2008, 05:27:00 PM »
Thank you for the replies.  They did help and wer correct.  I drilled a Grand Illusion 3/16 longer with the same pitches and I have a much better feel for the ball.  It might be a touch too long, but I'll try it a couple of times.

Problem I had was I threw the Grand Illusion first and after throwing it, I knew the HyRoad was the ball I needed for the condition we had, 2000 Ablaron no polish, and I tried to change to it, but it seemed as though I was clawing the ball, so I put it up.

I already had the thumb plugged on my Agent Orange and the Shift and the fingers on a Cell pearl, so after league tonight if the new span works out, I'll plug the fingers on my HyRoad, two Virtual Gravitys and my Neptune so I'll be ready for the Military Bowling Championships in Vegas next month.

Thanks again,

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2008, 05:59:13 PM »
Good luck, Barry.

(Interesting experiment)

My thoughts:
If your glove/wrist device has something other than cloth on the palm side of the "glove", then the span will be shorter and the driller should measure all spans and pitches with the glove on. If there is only cloth on the palm side (example: Mongoose, Master Power Paw), the span changes due to the glove will be minimal, IN GENERAL. I have used the above 2 "devices" and found little difference with and without. I can use the same balls with one or without.

Your wrist/hand/forearm seemed very strong to me when we last met, even though you had had some injuries. I hope you're able to continue with the wrist device. I think you MIGHT be better off without it.
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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2008, 06:33:27 PM »
Thank you Jeff.  I started therapy on my partial seperated shoulder yesterday and it will take a lot of therapy to get the shoulder right again. So I put up the 16 lb bowling balls.

I just got dome with my Cell pearl and hope to use it tonight.  There usually too much oil for the Cell pearl but maybe by the third game I can get away from the Vitual Gravity.

Thanks again for the advice.

Happy New Year,
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Will your ball span seem short when you stop using a wrist support?
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2008, 06:49:42 PM »
Happy New Year, Barry, and continued best wishes on progress with the therapy!

Those 16 lb balls won't go anywhere. They're waiting for you to put the hurt on those pins. (Heck, even I'm starting to fool with my old 15 lb balls.)
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