We always talk about the bowling balls which I do not mine which one to use as long as the lanes in every bowling centers are constructed the same. But what about this. In our area our bowling centers do not have this high score and average contraption maker. It is USBC approved. Now how can the USBC and other people talk about bringing integrity to bowling with this WAHSAM. It is tha same as allowing some baseball players use bats with corks inside of them. Ball regulations is BS with the WAHSAM under the flat gutters in the sides of the pin area. They have a video showing how much bounce the pins will have.
Want to have honor scores. just shop around for a bowling center with the Wahsam installed. USBC ball regulations is a mute subject for me.
Can we say Cheater Bowling Centers instead of cheater bowling balls.
"We installed them in our center and scores improved immediately." South Central PA
"We were averaging 2 awards scores per week before we purchased the WAHSAM. There were 7 award scores bowled the first week after installation." New Jersey
"We had a 299 game 2 days after WAHSAM installed. We did not have many awards until then. Truly amazing how pins fly with them things!!" Pennsylvania
"Before installing WAHSAMS we averaged 8 award scores per year. In the 12 months since they were installed, we had 278 award scores. It is by far, the best inventment we ever made for our center! We have 32 lanes by the way." Northeast
Q. What is a WAHSAM?
A. The WAHSAM is patented bowling device manufactured for in the USA for bowling center installation to increase scoring potential.
Q. What does the WAHSAM do?
A. The WAHSAM creates more pin action.
Q. Can the WAHSAM be installed in any bowling center?
A. It can be used in virtually every bowling center worldwide built on a crib foundation. WAHSAMS for centers not built on crib foundation are coming soon!
Q. Why do I need WAHSAMs installed in my bowling center?
A. Customer satisfaction is what you're after and when you install wahsams, their pin carry will be better meaning scores will be higher. When installed correctly, the bowling center will see the house average increase as much as 10 pins or more! Higher scores equal happier customers. Also, by getting WAHSAMs before your competitor, you will have a definite edge in scoring. Let's face it, if your customers are not happy and the scores across town are higher, you risk your customers migrating to the higher scoring centers. It is no secret that higher scoring centers enjoy more success than lower scoring centers. Our WAHSAM will help you achieve a considerable higher level of scoring.
Q. Is investing in WAHSAMs really worth it?
A. We believe that if it is worth it to invest in such things as new monitors, ball returns, scorers, flat screens, carpet, etc. to make your center look better, then it is even more worth it to invest in what the bowlers want most - HIGHER SCORES
Bowling is an ego driven sport. The more bowlers score, the more they want to bowl. Higher scores equal higher profit, we guarantee it. Try a set of WAHSAMs for 30 days and if you honestly feel they are not for you, just return them. Will will refund your purchase price 100%.
Q. Is the WAHSAM legal for USBC competition?
A. Yes, when the WAHSAM is installed correctly, it complies with all USBC regulations