
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Not done on November 28, 2004, 11:13:24 AM

Title: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Not done on November 28, 2004, 11:13:24 AM
today I had my worst leave yet..... it was at a local city tourney. I was using my raging inferno using a deep line, and I threw it a little too far out, and I crushed through.... I left the 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10... yep,I hit only the 6 and 9....

so whats your worst leave???
I like it wet...
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: a_ak57 on November 28, 2004, 07:18:13 PM
My worst leave is the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10.

- Andy
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: jrmeloche on November 28, 2004, 07:19:53 PM
I did it Friday night. Pulled a Big Bully inside target, hooked hard at the end, hit the hit pin and got a 4 count. Left the 4-7 on the left and the 3-6-9-10 on the right. Yikes. Needless to say, I didn't make it.

Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: kingpin268 on November 28, 2004, 07:19:59 PM
LOL...Yeah I have to agree with a_ak57. 0 is by far worse than 2 I'll have you know.

On the other hand, I've had my worst hit having hit the 4 and 7. Upon pulling it and seeing it cross the lane, I turned my back on it. My teammate started laughing he said they all went down =) Pretty funny stuff.

My worst leave was when I left the 3-10. Not a bad split really. But I threw the ball right between and knew it was a good shot. Watched it go down the lane and at the last second it decided to take a left turn. It hooked right between the 3-10. And I didn't even think that was possible... Any of you guys had this luck?

Edited on 11/28/2004 8:22 PM
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: loose5682 on November 28, 2004, 07:36:21 PM
Try this one on for size...

I left the 1-2-4-6-8-10 once...I'm still trying to figure out how it happened, I throw 16lbs and didn't think it could drive that hard into the 3 pin and deflect that hard right of the 8 pin.
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: 230-n-up-or-bust on November 28, 2004, 07:50:11 PM
Either the pocket 7-10 or the increasingly frequent 7-9(RH).  These simply aren't fair.  The other leaves are the result of an errant shot.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: mumzie on November 28, 2004, 08:31:52 PM
Pocket 7-10 or slammed 7-9 (RH). Ouch.
Not fair at all...

My hubby left a 8-9-10 the other night. If that wasn't bad enough - he picked it up!!
Bowlers are like puppies. The only difference is that someday the puppy will quit whining.
-- Found at Sam's Town Pro Shop
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: MSC2471 on November 28, 2004, 09:03:46 PM
Pocket 8-10 as a lefty. Second worst would have to be punching out the 1-2-5-8 and leaving the other 6...

Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Rock77 on November 28, 2004, 09:16:44 PM
My worst thus far is leaving the 3-4-6-7-10 twice in one game and making it both times. Then in game two, I left the 3-4-6-7-6-10 and picked that up as well. It was my night for tv shots!!
I just close my eyes and throw the ball
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: a_ak57 on November 28, 2004, 09:19:57 PM
I also wasn't happy when I left the 1-2-3-5.  I did make the conversion......

- Andy
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: C300_Rye on November 28, 2004, 09:31:12 PM
solid 8 10 (rh) and it cost me a tourney i got second lost by two pins and the split was in the tenth of my last game
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: jjweb on November 28, 2004, 10:21:54 PM
First shot of league yesterday; I leave the greek church, followed by the 4-6 split on the other lane.

Probably the funky split I've left is the 4-7-9-10 (picked it up, once).
The bowling gods said "let there be strikes" and then there was Dyno-Thane!
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: TheBowlingKid25 on November 28, 2004, 10:25:35 PM
dead flush 5-7-10! I was throwing my triple x, and my thumb hung up in it and I spun the crap out of it, so it just rolled down the pins, and left that. I was in a pissy mood as it was, so I whiffed the whole damm thing!
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Maelstrom on November 28, 2004, 10:35:07 PM
Well, I have had I few. In leagueon saturday, I left a 2-4-6-7-8-10, the ball just cut through the pins like a knife. Also on saturday, I left a 1-2-4-6-10 on every game, even my game with a 6-bagger...
"Contemplate the reason you exist..."

Formerly Maelstrom44, Maelstrom X, Maelstrom Zero, Maelstrom Axiom, Maelstrom Flux, Maelstrom Psi, Enigma, and Muon Ejector.

Edited on 11/28/2004 11:35 PM
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Let It Bleed on November 28, 2004, 11:15:12 PM BowlingKid...spun the hell out of it...hit like a the BTM in Reno...left the 1-2-4-6-10...and on the spare attempt managed to throw it in the same exact place...hitting nothing at all
"Chicks dig the trip 4" -Randy Pederson
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: toddler95 on November 28, 2004, 11:30:01 PM
I've gotta third the 5-7-10, just left it last night, but the ball wasn't that bad of a shot, it looked only a little high.  And I have had the ball cut in between the 3-10 before, more than I will admit.

Bowling is more fun when you only have to throw 1 ball..
........F*#k the 10 pin!!!!!!

Edited on 11/29/2004 0:29 AM
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Walking E on November 29, 2004, 12:23:12 AM
I was keeping score one night (years ago, obviously) and the damndest leave I ever saw was when this guy barely nicked the 10 pin to the right, and it somehow managed to topple only the back row. So he left the 1-2-3-4-5-6. Never seen that before or since. I don't remember if he picked it up, but I'll never forget him leaving it.

My worst leave was a 5-7-10 using a dull Thunderbolt, which at the time was considered the bomb ball to have. I thought it was a bomb, all right - damn thing was a waste of money for me and I couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: L o G on November 29, 2004, 03:14:02 AM
I had to have had an off set pin on this one but I left everything but the 6 one time.  I was in a house with wood lanes and the oiling machine sucked, so just about every ball you threw would burn up in the first inch of the damn lane.  I threw they ball over 15 and it swung out to even with the 6 pin then went strait and took only the six out.  I thought it took out the 6-9 but I looked at the score and it said I only got 1 so I looked at the pins and sure enought the nine was in there.

I just read the whole post, funny how that happend to you and almost the same happened to me.

I can hear the voice
But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright

Edited on 11/29/2004 4:14 AM
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Ragnar on November 29, 2004, 10:59:52 AM
About 10 years ago I saw the (now)local pro (a righty) leave a stone pocket 6 - 8 (the lefties version of a 4-9).  Neither one of us has ever figured out how he left it.

Many years ago I was keeping score and saw a guy hit the hole so hard that a pin (I think it was the 4 pin) went airborne, did a 360, and stuck the landing, becoming the new 9 pin.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: pgpelton on November 29, 2004, 11:22:28 AM
I'm a lefty and the other day in practice I left a pocket 7-9-10.
It looked flush!
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Brickguy221 on November 29, 2004, 12:28:13 PM
My worse leave is when I am on a spare and throw my ball into the gutter on the first ball of the next frame, "thus leaving all 10 pins."
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: a_ak57 on November 29, 2004, 01:25:44 PM
That could be true C4LAKAT4L , but the CONCEPT of a gutter is more embarassing.  I'd rather have at least hit the pins then drop it in the gutter.

- Andy
Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: SKC on November 29, 2004, 02:00:17 PM

I was practicing a couple of weeks ago and this stroker beside me left the 5-8-9 on a "pocket"hit! Dang.......!

My worst leave must be the 4-6-9 after the first 8. Threw my Ultimate Inferno out 2nd arrow to around 2-3 board, came screaming back, smashed the pocket with nothing left on the deck, gutters, NOTHING, but those 3 pins. Damn Brunswick! Gotta love 'em!

Title: Re: whats your worst leave???
Post by: Ragnar on November 29, 2004, 02:08:44 PM
I should never have left Susan.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.