General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Not done on November 28, 2004, 11:13:24 AM
today I had my worst leave yet..... it was at a local city tourney. I was using my raging inferno using a deep line, and I threw it a little too far out, and I crushed through.... I left the 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10... yep,I hit only the 6 and 9....
so whats your worst leave???
I like it wet...
My worst leave is the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10.
- Andy
I did it Friday night. Pulled a Big Bully inside target, hooked hard at the end, hit the hit pin and got a 4 count. Left the 4-7 on the left and the 3-6-9-10 on the right. Yikes. Needless to say, I didn't make it.
LOL...Yeah I have to agree with a_ak57. 0 is by far worse than 2 I'll have you know.
On the other hand, I've had my worst hit having hit the 4 and 7. Upon pulling it and seeing it cross the lane, I turned my back on it. My teammate started laughing he said they all went down =) Pretty funny stuff.
My worst leave was when I left the 3-10. Not a bad split really. But I threw the ball right between and knew it was a good shot. Watched it go down the lane and at the last second it decided to take a left turn. It hooked right between the 3-10. And I didn't even think that was possible... Any of you guys had this luck?
Edited on 11/28/2004 8:22 PM
Try this one on for size...
I left the 1-2-4-6-8-10 once...I'm still trying to figure out how it happened, I throw 16lbs and didn't think it could drive that hard into the 3 pin and deflect that hard right of the 8 pin.
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
Either the pocket 7-10 or the increasingly frequent 7-9(RH). These simply aren't fair. The other leaves are the result of an errant shot.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.
Pocket 7-10 or slammed 7-9 (RH). Ouch.
Not fair at all...
My hubby left a 8-9-10 the other night. If that wasn't bad enough - he picked it up!!
Bowlers are like puppies. The only difference is that someday the puppy will quit whining.
-- Found at Sam's Town Pro Shop
Pocket 8-10 as a lefty. Second worst would have to be punching out the 1-2-5-8 and leaving the other 6...
My worst thus far is leaving the 3-4-6-7-10 twice in one game and making it both times. Then in game two, I left the 3-4-6-7-6-10 and picked that up as well. It was my night for tv shots!!
I just close my eyes and throw the ball
I also wasn't happy when I left the 1-2-3-5. I did make the conversion......
- Andy
solid 8 10 (rh) and it cost me a tourney i got second lost by two pins and the split was in the tenth of my last game
First shot of league yesterday; I leave the greek church, followed by the 4-6 split on the other lane.
Probably the funky split I've left is the 4-7-9-10 (picked it up, once).
The bowling gods said "let there be strikes" and then there was Dyno-Thane!
dead flush 5-7-10! I was throwing my triple x, and my thumb hung up in it and I spun the crap out of it, so it just rolled down the pins, and left that. I was in a pissy mood as it was, so I whiffed the whole damm thing!
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is!
The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!
Well, I have had I few. In leagueon saturday, I left a 2-4-6-7-8-10, the ball just cut through the pins like a knife. Also on saturday, I left a 1-2-4-6-10 on every game, even my game with a 6-bagger...
"Contemplate the reason you exist..."
Formerly Maelstrom44, Maelstrom X, Maelstrom Zero, Maelstrom Axiom, Maelstrom Flux, Maelstrom Psi, Enigma, and Muon Ejector.
Edited on 11/28/2004 11:35 PM
- BowlingKid...spun the hell out of it...hit like a the BTM in Reno...left the 1-2-4-6-10...and on the spare attempt managed to throw it in the same exact place...hitting nothing at all
"Chicks dig the trip 4" -Randy Pederson
I've gotta third the 5-7-10, just left it last night, but the ball wasn't that bad of a shot, it looked only a little high. And I have had the ball cut in between the 3-10 before, more than I will admit.
Bowling is more fun when you only have to throw 1 ball..
........F*#k the 10 pin!!!!!!
Edited on 11/29/2004 0:29 AM
I was keeping score one night (years ago, obviously) and the damndest leave I ever saw was when this guy barely nicked the 10 pin to the right, and it somehow managed to topple only the back row. So he left the 1-2-3-4-5-6. Never seen that before or since. I don't remember if he picked it up, but I'll never forget him leaving it.
My worst leave was a 5-7-10 using a dull Thunderbolt, which at the time was considered the bomb ball to have. I thought it was a bomb, all right - damn thing was a waste of money for me and I couldn't get rid of it fast enough. 
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!
I had to have had an off set pin on this one but I left everything but the 6 one time. I was in a house with wood lanes and the oiling machine sucked, so just about every ball you threw would burn up in the first inch of the damn lane. I threw they ball over 15 and it swung out to even with the 6 pin then went strait and took only the six out. I thought it took out the 6-9 but I looked at the score and it said I only got 1 so I looked at the pins and sure enought the nine was in there.
I just read the whole post, funny how that happend to you and almost the same happened to me.
I can hear the voice
But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright
Edited on 11/29/2004 4:14 AM
About 10 years ago I saw the (now)local pro (a righty) leave a stone pocket 6 - 8 (the lefties version of a 4-9). Neither one of us has ever figured out how he left it.
Many years ago I was keeping score and saw a guy hit the hole so hard that a pin (I think it was the 4 pin) went airborne, did a 360, and stuck the landing, becoming the new 9 pin.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.
I'm a lefty and the other day in practice I left a pocket 7-9-10.
It looked flush!
My worse leave is when I am on a spare and throw my ball into the gutter on the first ball of the next frame, "thus leaving all 10 pins."

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income 
That could be true C4LAKAT4L
, but the CONCEPT of a gutter is more embarassing. I'd rather have at least hit the pins then drop it in the gutter.
- Andy
I was practicing a couple of weeks ago and this stroker beside me left the 5-8-9 on a "pocket"hit! Dang.......!
My worst leave must be the 4-6-9 after the first 8. Threw my Ultimate Inferno out 2nd arrow to around 2-3 board, came screaming back, smashed the pocket with nothing left on the deck, gutters, NOTHING, but those 3 pins. Damn Brunswick! Gotta love 'em!
I should never have left Susan.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.