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Author Topic: When your game has peaked  (Read 4021 times)


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When your game has peaked
« on: January 27, 2019, 06:52:36 PM »
A few seasons ago I averaged 225, but been on a steady decline ever since.  As much as i study and practice, my average sits between 210-215, and when I bowl on something other than a house pattern it's maybe 170-180.  I haven't seen any improvement and get the impression that none is coming.

If you think your game has peaked, what next?



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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2019, 09:06:27 PM »
A few seasons ago I averaged 225, but been on a steady decline ever since.  As much as i study and practice, my average sits between 210-215, and when I bowl on something other than a house pattern it's maybe 170-180.  I haven't seen any improvement and get the impression that none is coming.

If you think your game has peaked, what next?

I'm going to answer this question with another question.

How long have you been bowling in the area that you're in?

I ask this, because about 25 years ago, I thought the same thing, even though I knew I had decades of bowling ahead of me. I had begun to wonder if the game, let alone my peers were passing me by and that I just hadn't had the ability to catch up. And this was over the course of 18 different centers in Omaha.

It turned out that I hadn't peaked, but instead I was in a rut because despite every center putting out different shots all the time, I was simply used to every single center: topography, ball movement, the entire lot. It wasn't until I actually moved out of town to Las Vegas that I realized that the problem wasn't TOTALLY me. A change of scenery, pace, environment, and different centers altogether that saw my scores go up as well as figuring out what I was missing.

Perhaps a change is needed for you as well; not as grandiose as a move halfway across the country, but how far is the nearest center that is not in your town? For example, I could bowl at Mockingbird Lanes or Maplewood Lanes in Omaha as they would be the closest to where I lived, but for a change of pace, would make a drive to Lincoln and bowl down at Hollywood Bowl or Sun Valley Lanes just to get a break from what I'm used to (albeit, that's a 50 mile drive).

Anywhere around your area that you go that isn't part of your usual alleys where you bowl to get a change of pace?



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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2019, 09:28:42 PM »

Whether your game has actually peaked or not is difficult to tell.  Perhaps the conditions bowled on a few years back were more conducive to higher scores.

I do believe as we age we should adjust our game to compensate for natural changes that occur physically.  Whether that be moving a tad closer to friction and using less "hand," or discovering what "you do best" and stick with it.  You can only bowl like you do, rather than being whoever is hot on tour this week.

It doesn't matter how many boards we cross on the first 50 feet of lane, but rather how our ball finishes the last 10 feet that will determine score more often than not.  After having shoulder reconstruction surgery and developing arthritis all over my body from a lifetime of wear and tear, I had to simplify my game. 

Mentally I'm better than ever.  Physically my rev rate is a little less, but if I do what I do best I can still compete.  I also believe that the older I get I NEED more practice than I used to.

Only you can decide whether or not or game had peaked years ago, but with today's equipment being better than ever even the old dogs can have their day and remain competitive most of the time.  Best of luck as you move forward.  Don't be afraid to get some outside help to determine what changes, if any, you can make.


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2019, 01:52:05 AM »
My game peaked and I am on the downhill side trying to look back up.  Age and injuries were my downfall.  Now that my latest shoulder injury has healed, it is lack of conditioning and practice (I hope). 

What's next?  That probably depends on each person and their individual situation.  Some will try to get back to that previous peak, others may decide to lower their expectations some because they decide it is no longer a realistic goal.  Others may decide it is time to invest new ball money into coaching.  Others may decide to seek different lane conditions, more difficult for the challenge or easier for the scores.  A prideful few will decide it is time to quit.
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2019, 02:03:18 AM »
Wether I like it or not, I averaged over 240 last season... Im pretty sure I peaked. Lol

Nothing I can do, and honestly I blamed the lane man for putting out such a scoreable pattern. This year is definitely the opposite, scores are earned....

Now i feel like I'm some washed up house rat of a rock band going on reunion tours...

In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2019, 07:11:55 AM »
You need to figure out how and why you averaged 225.  Did the stars align and you were able to use your favorite ball and play in a comfortable area for an entire season?

Everyone has a talent level they max out at.  Through knowledge and dedication you try make that a plateau instead of a peak.  The more talented you are the higher and longer the plateau is.

Then there is the element no one can beat....Father Time.

Luke Rosdahl

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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2019, 09:54:56 AM »
There's a point when you can get inside your own head though, when all the bowling math takes over instead of just continuing to follow your instincts and the natural ability that got you there.  Some people try to quantify that and measure it or turn it into a formula that they can use to progress, and often that results in regression because you're either thinking about or overthinking things that you used to just naturally do.  Some of the best bowlers in the world just stick their hand in a ball and throw it.  If the ball strikes, that's the only answer they need. 
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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2019, 10:07:41 AM »
There's a point when you can get inside your own head though, when all the bowling math takes over instead of just continuing to follow your instincts and the natural ability that got you there.  Some people try to quantify that and measure it or turn it into a formula that they can use to progress, and often that results in regression because you're either thinking about or overthinking things that you used to just naturally do.  Some of the best bowlers in the world just stick their hand in a ball and throw it.  If the ball strikes, that's the only answer they need.
So relatable right now. My spare game and shot by shot mental game is there, but I've been trying to engineer bowling and I think that's why i'm not striking like I should. Also missing moves and what not that I'm not used to doing.
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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2019, 12:58:10 PM »
I've definitely been struggling this year. Moved back to southern California and bowling 2nd shift for the first time.

My release has been really inconsistent over the past couple of months. Decided to tighten up my thumbholes with more tape over the past few days and had probably my best games since October. Hoping it provides at least a temporary solution .

Peak is tough. I feel as long as there's room to get better you've never reached your peak.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2019, 01:00:19 PM by SVstar34 »


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2019, 11:05:31 AM »
You have to ask yourself if you're satisfied with your current situation or not. 

If not, then you need to find a good coach.  Many of us feel we are knowledgeable enough to fix our own game.  However, a good coach can find what improvements are needed even in places you thought were fine.  I always had a deep knee bend and thought this was what I was supposed to do.  Then a coach told me I was getting so low that my trail leg was getting bound up and not clearing properly.  A good coach may cost a few hundred dollars as 1 lesson will not be enough to properly educate you on the likely few improvements you need.

I'd also recommend having your grip checked since it was a few years since your peak.  My wife simply had more oval drilled in her thumb and is seeing a more consistent release already.  Age and a little callous changed her thumb just enough that it was catching on the sides. 

Not to offend you, but you likely need to increase your bowling IQ.  There's always someone smarter out there to learn from.  Even the greatest bowlers and coaches strive to increase their bowling IQ.  Seek help, otherwise this game can get stale.


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2019, 02:04:12 PM »
If nothing else remember that bowling as long as its fun and you are enjoying it will prolong your life.  Everything else is just bonus for me.  Kind of lucky in that I even enjoy the bad games.  Sometimes the fish don't bite.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 02:25:05 PM by BowlingForDonuts »
Here today.  Gone tomorrow.


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2019, 07:09:53 PM »
What day is it today?


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2019, 02:44:29 PM »
Thank you everyone for all of the advice.  Next time I visit my PSO, I will ask them about any local coaches they would recommend.  On the other hand maybe I have a bowling version of a mid-life crisis and permanently switch to bowling left-landed and really create some new challenges.


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2019, 10:48:16 AM »
Do you still like bowling as much as you used to?

I know I got all obsessed with getting better, started bowling sport leagues, got coaching, bowled 3 nights a week, bowled PBA leagues in summer  .... and now I average LESS than I did before all that started ...  I easily burnout and give up as soon as I start getting bad breaks.   I have actually contemplated walking away for a while.  I still like the game ... its all the B.S. I can't stand anymore.  This ball, that ball, this surface, that surface, this pattern, that pattern, rev rates, axis tilt, pin up, pin down  blah blah blah  :o --- its just too much to deal with anymore.  My head is going to explode !!

I'm 50 but when I was younger, you DIDN'T know what pattern you were walking into.  You had 2/3 balls max and you FIGURED OUT HOW TO SCORE.  Now it's bring 6+ balls, keep throwing till you have the right ball and throw into the bump and presto ....... shoot 750+ without changing a single physical thing.  It's gotten so stupid that there is so much equipment on the floor and settee area, you can't even sit down anymore due to the 50 bowling balls scattered everywhere.

Sour grapes?? Nah ... It's just not the game I used to love anymore. Simplicity is what made it great.  I still have great memories and they keep me coming back but there is just too many variables, too much B.S. 
« Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 10:57:03 AM by BeerLeague »


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Re: When your game has peaked
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2019, 11:19:32 AM »
True bowling isn't what it once was. Now you have 100's of balls to pick and choose from, going from one ball to another ball trying to find that magic recipe. I fell into the trap of getting ball after ball hoping i would find 'the magic' ball. I'm at the point of being 'that man' and getting an all urethane lineup. I have 3 coming and probably add more cause i like variety. I don't bowl in the competitive leagues anymore cause the area i bowl at is a 16 lane house and i'm high with 215 avg, which i have no clue how i'm avg that high with my high game being 256 and my high series only 720. I want more challenges and maybe limiting myself to only urethane and working from that will challenge me enough.