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Author Topic: Wher are YOU in the lineup?  (Read 5095 times)


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Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« on: May 22, 2003, 05:02:02 AM »
Since this board is frequented by mostly serious bowlers, who are students of the game, it would be interesting to hear where in the lineups of your various teams we each are and why. Are you first because you can be depended upon to always have a decent steady game? Are you buried in the middle because you need the support from your team-mates both ahead of and behind? Or do you bowl last cause you are most likely to punch out when it is needed, regardless of your teams averages? As bad as I am, I do bowl last on my teams as I often get a lot of my pins in the last two frames.

Tell us which position you bowl in!  
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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2003, 06:16:25 AM »
Thursday nights I bowl a match point league and place is determined by average, low to high.  For most of the season I anchored.

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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2003, 07:02:14 AM »
Leadoff man--consistent, 2nd reliable, 3rd weakest on the team, 4th
                                       strong day and day out,5th Mr Clutch.

I'm the captain of both of my teams, so I get to set the lineup.  The above quote from Sawbones in this thread sums up my lineup selection theory pretty well in a nutshell.  Where I fit in best is in either the first or fourth spot.  Sometimes my lineup selection is influenced by other players' preferences.  If someone has a serious dislike of bowling in the spot where I think they fit best, I try to respect that--within limits.  I won't put the worst bowler on the team in the fourth or fifth spot, for instance.  On my better team, I bowl lead-off, which is my favorite spot and also where I fit in best.  I fill frames and tend to bowl near average.  I occasionally bust out with a real good game, but rarely have really bad games.  On my lesser team, I anchor because their is no other real candidate for the job.

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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2003, 07:29:06 AM »
I have anchored virtually every team I have ever bowled on except for my 5 man scratch league team.

On the scratch team I am lead off. The only real reason for this is that it is where the guy I replaced bowled. This team has been together over 20 years (I have bowled with them the last 12) and has always went with a set lineup. The few times they have replaced anyone they simply step into the empty position in the lineup. We have all been anchor men on most other teams and all bowl with an anchorman intensity and in reality we all have no ego's to get bruised so everyone is fine with this pattern.


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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2003, 09:28:05 AM »
In my hndcp leagues I bowl anchor but in the scratch leagues it can vary. If we have to set our lineup first I bowl anchor. If the opponent sets up first we will typically match avg's. Sometimes there is an opportunity to lineup two bowlers who we know ours will take two of three and still not sacrifice anywhere else. Also we have some younger bowlers and one personal friend who for some reason just have to beat me, an effort in futility So in those cases I line up against them because if they start to fall behind they get rattled pretty quick. I also like to try and bowl before that person in the tenth when I can just to put some extra pressure if it is needed. I too like the pressure of anchor in the tenth when it comes up.
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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2003, 10:49:58 AM »
Was on 2 new teams this year, and was stuck in 3rd postition both times.  Wound up with the high avg. on one team, and 2nd high on the other.  We changed the lineup on one team and put me leadoff for the last 4 weeks, which I liked better.  Seems the extra sense of "setting the pace" for the team helped me focus more on making a good shot to get the team going.


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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2003, 11:06:54 AM »
Same thing happend to one of our bowlers. He is 175 to 185 at best. was really struggling early in the season at 2nd postition. He asked if he could be moved to leadoff and since it is a fun league for the most part we did not mind. He got the same results. He felt as leadoff he needed to concentrate a little more esp. in the 10th to set the pace. He started seeing some 200's and even winning some hdcp brackets.
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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2003, 11:48:09 AM »
I bowl anchor.   I like close games that are decided with the last ball
thrown.  In such a situation, I will wait till the anchor of the other team is up and tell him it just you and me and then we alternate shots. If he strikes I'll give him a high five and I'll give him another whether I strike or not, but I usually do.  I like that intensity.


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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2003, 10:50:00 AM »
I'm usally the leadoff man, I personally like leading off. I don't know why but I just do. It seems to work though. My teammates and I took first in both leagues that I bowl in.


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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2003, 03:15:38 PM »
On one 4 person team, I'm 2nd and the other woman is 3rd although they sometimes reverse it.  We are actually the most consistent scorers and carry the same average within a pin or 3.  The lead guy is capable of shooting very high scores but can bomb, too.  Same with the anchor.  On the other, I'm 3rd since I can be counted on to pull over my average if our anchor is out.  I'm usually very good in the 10th frame - often turkeying.  That's saved my scores many a time.  On my 5 person team, the order is strictly by average so I'm 3rd (4 guys and me).  I really don't care where I am in the lineup although I don't consider myself to be good enough to be anchor (yet).

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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2003, 08:41:56 PM »
My usual place in the line-up is anchor, but I also bowl in lead-off and 3rd.  I hear so much talk about the importance of the anchor, but bowlers need to remember that the lead-off sets the tone for the second, and the 3rd guy sets for the rest.  

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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2004, 02:40:54 AM » mongo still here?

btw im 2nd...worst bowler on the team
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Edited on 8/31/2004 2:54 AM


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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2004, 03:19:51 AM »
In my Thursday league, 4 person scratch we draw for positions every night. I prefer to bowl lead-off or anchor. In my Friday mixed league, I bowl anchor.
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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2004, 03:29:22 AM »
On the Monday league that I sub in, it all depends on who I'm subbing for where I'm placed. I usually bowl second, third or fourth on this 5 man lineup. Almost all the averages on the team are within 10 pins of each other (200 or better), so I don't really care where I bowl.

On my Tuesday league I am the anchor and have been for the past 4 years. They usually know that if the game is close that I can close the tenth frame strong and help the team pull out those 10 pin or less wins...



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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2004, 09:31:56 AM »
On my mix doubles team I anchor, but on my men's team I'm fourth. Even though I have the highest average, it seems if I can punch out my anchor man usually follows.


Seems I read somewhere on how to put together a successful team. It goes like this:

Position – 1 Someone who can get a “mark” and start things off.

Position – 2 Usually the weakest person on the team.

Position – 3 A person who can pickup the second position and keep a string going.

Position – 4 Your highest average person. Someone you can always count on filling frames.

Position – 5 Your best closer. Doesn’t need to be the highest average but someone who does well under pressure.

Edited on 8/31/2004 9:33 AM
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Re: Wher are YOU in the lineup?
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2004, 10:00:28 AM »
Yeah PBIII did an article in one of bowling mags a long time ago
on how to set up a team.
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