I agree with this post. In my later 40's now. As a teenager, cable came with 20-40 channels as it expanded. My X-box was Intellevision which was the step up from Atari that my friends had. (supposedly). There was no home computer. MTV that played music videos 24 hours a day was the coolest thing on the planet. Boy I sound old. LOL I got into bowling because I was a scrawny 5'8" kid with no chance at football, no height for basketball, and couldn't hit a baseball. Bowling gave me a chance to compete.
Today, kids have a lots of other options available to occupy their free time. And you can try all you want to get them into the game, but you face an up hill battle. I'm not saying we should not try, but today, video games are more of what bowling was back in the 70's. It's a chance to compete, when you lack the physical attributes that the normal sports require. Everyone has an ego, and wants the chance to say they are the best at something. That's what motivated me in bowling. To practice and get better. Because, I knew I had a chance to possibly be in the top of the sport. Today, kids can do that in video games, and other activities besides sports. So the ego can get attained in other ways. Makes bowling harder to grow, and as the current population of bowlers get older, the over-all numbers decrease.