I think the used ball market heyday has come and gone.
Looks like you're just gonna have to unload some of those gems you have laying around on the cheaper side to your BR pals........
Those aren't used.
True, but they're like........sweet............and stuff.....
You got any cool Storm/Roto gear?
....and way overpriced even if I could be convinced to sell them.
Actually, I've been thinking about selling off most of my non-Motiv stuff. I have quite a lot of "gems"
Of the top of my head, I have, all in 15 lbs.
two VG Nano solids, three VB Nano Pearls, a IQ Tour Fusion, a Sync, a Modern Marvel, a Marvel Pearl, a Anarchy, a 2009 Hy-Road, and a Trifecta.
Original Cell, Cell Pearl, a couple of Wreckers, Hyper Cell Skid, probably a few others I'm not thinking of right now.
Original Blue Vibe, Purple Sparkel Vibe, Cherry Vibe, Emerald Vibe, Onyx Vibe, Midnight Vibe, Cobalt Vibe, Grape Vibe, and all of the Bowlers Mart special pour Vibes each with the 060 serial number.
Various Columbia 300 balls and a few Global 900s, some Seismic and a Lane Masters or two.
I have a ton of Motiv stuff, including two of the very hard to find TZ3's.
Not to mention a nice collection of clear spare balls like the Track Flaming T, Hammer Everclear, Hammer Cube, Hammer Clear Gasmask, two different versions of the Team Storm Belmo ball, the Ice and Blood Diamonds from Lane #1
....and a Partridge in a Pear tree!!!!!
Yep, you can just call me Milorafferty, ball whore.