It has gotten to a point to where "competitive" league bowling is a lose lose situation. If the scratch bowlers partake in "blood and guts" style of bowling, they are labeled egomaniacs and primadonnas. Other bowlers can't stand to bowl against them or even next to them, and in some cases, teammates can't hardly stand one another. I am a classic example of this. If I slapped out a shot once in awhile or waggle my pointing finger towards the pins, I am labeled as cocky or arrogant. If I show absolutely no emotion, now people think I just stopped caring. Half the scratch bowlers out there bowl more for the brackets than anything. I had a team where our team average was 1120, which was by far the highest team average in the league. By the end of the second third, every one of us was standing in a different spot of the bowling center between shots. We had a couple guys on the team that got into 40 brackets a night. Even if they were bowling well, if they were getting beat in the brackets, they developed a temper and it ruined their night. One of them would even scream obscenities while shooting 740+. They did not care about winning the games half as much as those brackets. Oh, yeah. We also ended up finishing 3rd in the league.
Some other problems with "competitive" league bowling, is that we spend $20 or even $25 a night to bowl and the prize funds suck, because you still get those 5-10 teams of 180 average bowlers who have NO confidence in themselves to think they can actually win the league, so they vote on the worst prize fund so as to ensure that if they do finish towards the bottom, they still get some money back. I went through this last night actually. The league voted on a prize fund where instead of voting on the one that had $2000 to win each third, they voted on the one that got only $1100 to win each third.
And, finally, the last problem with "competitive" league bowling, is that the bowlers who should be labeled as cocky, are those who get 30 pins a game and walk around the center like they are some god. Let's take last night as an example yet once again. I shot 640 on a shot that was not that easy to put it mildly. I was up against a guy who was getting 25 pins a game. SO....I shoot 640 and he shoots 570 and I lose 3 out of 4 points and this guy is just talking up a storm like he just waxed me from one end of the house to the other. What is really sad about that is that he is using a 15 year old Purple Hammer and spraying the ball from off the corner and he is getting a few brooklyn hits to go his way while I hit the 1-3 pocket 32 out of 36 shots and stick 10 corner pins with a couple 9s and 4s mixed in. So, naturally, he is walking around with a swagger like his crap don't stink. It would have done no good to tell the guy to pull his money out and bowl straight up, because he would have just packed his crap and walked out the door. He even made a comment about the one point I did get from him, so I responded by telling him that I average 35 pins higher than he does and in my mind, I am supposed to win, and a heck of a lot more than just 1 out of 4 points. I do not normally act that way, but after 3 hours of hearing his mouth, I was finally tired of it and said something back.
For all of the reasons above, league bowling in general is going downhill in a hurry and being dominated by handicap bowlers. Scratch leagues are falling by the wayside because lineage is getting way too high and the handicap bowlers are always crying because they do not think that they get enough handicap to compete even if they are getting 25-30 pins a game. Once they raise the handicap, the scratch bowlers are leaving because of it. Scratch bowlers are out for one thing and that is making money. Thanks to SOME bowling centers and most handicap bowlers, making money is ALMOST a thing of the past. If you think I am kidding, just take a look at the number of ABC memberships year by year for the last 15 years.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!