I know what a true reverse block is, and the difference
in a RB and a flatter pattern. My question is what ball
out of my current list would you start off with on a
15lb XXXL. pin to right of ring, cg in palm. 1000 grit polished.
15lb Pearl Carbide Bomb. pin under in grip center, cg swung w x hole on pap. 10 Micron triact. no polish.
15lb Viper Pearl. pin above grip in center, cg swung, 2000 grit with a hand scuff back to 800. No polish.
15lb Golden Nugget. pin under ring, cg swung small x hole on pap. Box condition (I polish it every 3-5 sets)
15lb Pro Purple. pin above grip in center, cg swung, Gray pad on haus, polished.
15lb Carbide Bomb. pin above grip in center, cg swung, 35 Micron trizact, Polished.
I am not afraid to change surface on anything.
I also have a Danger Zone 2, and a Zone X Hi differential
that I can drill any way I need to. the danger zone is actually drilled, but
the X zone needs plugged anyhow.

I am looking for a ball for team events for Pa states.
anyone that has been there feel free to comment.
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins