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Author Topic: I'm going to use the arrows tonight in league  (Read 914 times)


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I'm going to use the arrows tonight in league
« on: October 10, 2008, 12:06:03 PM »
Wish me luck. I use area 30-40 feet down the lane and I don't know why but my game is suffering with accuracy. I can't remember how to play arrows but I am going to try it anyways. do I use those markers again?



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Re: I'm going to use the arrows tonight in league
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 08:55:13 PM »
Well because the target is closer your eyes are going to need time to adjust. What you should do is slowly move your target back slightly towards the arrows each time you bowl.

Personally I have never used boards or arrows,i'm one of those bowlers who lines themselves up and actually closes their eyes at the release point. I know a few top bowlers do this. If you have done everything correctly then you should not need to focus on one small area so much. Every time I have tried to focus on a particular board/arrow I end up throwing a gutter ball,lol!
I would have got away with it if it was not for those pesky kids (Behind my lane) and those blasted 10 pins.
I would have got away with it if it was not for those pesky kids (Behind my lane) and those blasted 10 pins.


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Re: I'm going to use the arrows tonight in league
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2008, 08:47:10 AM »
I used to target 30-40 feet down lane.  Now I use the arrows and I have raised my average considerably.

Pick a board or arrow to look at and keep your eye on it until your ball rolls past it.  Then pick up the ball as it comes to the breakpoint.

It will take some getting used to, but it is worth it.  Just practice a bunch and it will come in no time.
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out

Edited on 10/11/2008 8:48 AM


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Re: I'm going to use the arrows tonight in league
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2008, 09:24:33 AM »
Sounds to me like you are using your breakpoint to target. Since you know where you want the ball to get to, draw an imginary line from that point back towards you until you get to the arrows. Now you will have to adjust that mark towards your bowling shoulder to compensate for the ball not being in the center of your body. If you get proficient adjusting the length of your visual target, this can be a useful tool when adjusting the length of the ball reaction.


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Re: I'm going to use the arrows tonight in league
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2008, 01:02:19 PM »
Well good and bad. Shot below 600, that's the bad news. Couldn't string a bunch of strikes and had open frames and too many splits.
The hard part is getting the consistent speed. But I was able to play straighter up the boards and it made the game seem much easier. This will take some time getting used to but I enjoyed it much better. Playing area was making work too hard and the results were not there nor was the accuracy. This feels better to me playing the arrows.

I learned though besides making moves left and right with my feet or left of an arrow a board or two or to the right I tried making an adjustment by looking  a foot past the arrow and then was shooting much better because it got my speed up.