The friction at your house, the track wear, how many lanes were oiled all play into account in the ease or difficulty of a pattern. I'm guessing you have a higher friction house and the pattern was only out on a few paris which doesn't always allow the pattern to actually show it's true colors as the house shot is still imprinted on the transfer roller and the lanes.
Take every single lane pattern ever with a grain of salt as to how they are playing and how they are supposed to play.
Sport compliant shots do not equal US Open. It may feel like that to some, but if you play the lane surface and pattern distance correct you will have room to miss.
Regarding the 2:1, that strict ratio was changed to accomodated old beat up houses and wood lanes that would create reverse blocks out of the gate with such defined wear areas. There is actually a scale in relation to how new the lane surface is to the ratio of the pattern. The newer the lanes the lower the ration.
Storm Staff 2009
Professional Approach Staff So Cal
Edited on 5/21/2009 7:28 PM
Edited on 5/21/2009 7:30 PM