More often than not, my money would be on bowler B provided he is equally skilled at all 8 releases. But in today's game, even if you're versatile, 2 balls aren't going to cut it unless you bowl in 1 center all the time on a league shot. Even if you can throw it 8 different ways. I went down to the USBC Masters in Vegas last year and even the pros who are considered the most versatile (Duke, Barnes) had an arsenal of 18-25 bowling balls and will get one drilled up by the representative on the spot if they don't like their ball reaction. Like someone else said, must be nice to be on staff to a ball company. Unfortunately, ball selection is a bigger part of today's game than it has ever been, even for the versatile ones. In the PBA tournaments, the top pro who has the best matchup (ball to lane condition) usually wins.