Lately, I've been focusing on what i watch for in my bowling ball after I release it. A few ideas I've had, and how they've worked out fo rme.
1) I watch where the ball is in relation to where my eyes are looking. Let's say I'm looking at the 10th board at the arrows, I will look at the bottom of the ball and where it is on the lane. After that, I will watch the ball's rotation and see the phases of the ball from skid to hook to roll. I find this helps me notice when a ball picks up a bit early or late, and how much room for error I have at the target I am looking at. I generally notice when it's time to move left/right pretty quickly this way.
2) I tried this today, and found I REALLY enjoyed it. I watch where the ball is in relation to my eyes like above, then follow it. Like, I continue watching where the ball touches the lane and watch as precisely as I can where the ball's breakpoint is. This helped me judge how much room for error I had at the breakpoint, and where the out of bounds was outside and what too far inside was. I had trouble judging if the ball was getting into a good skid/hook/roll, but watching the ball through the pins helped with that.
So, what do you guys do?
Proud Supporter of Rob Stone
Obviously, you aren''t a golfer.
Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.