I did it for the first time Saturday (Chesapeake, Virginia) at a clinic with Brain Voss, Dick Weber and Norm Duke. I never noticed all the flaws I had, now I know! Too short of a back swing, coming around the ball way too early, too much side roll with not enough speed and muscling through my down swing.
Norm worked with me for a while. Showed me to bring all of the weight of the ball in my left hand, to loosen up my swing and help straighten things out, which also changed my release significantly.
The coach at the BowlersMAP really helped me out! Now I start the ball much higher in my approach (waist high before), all ball weight in left hand, more balance and more control of the ball.
Anyone else ever taken a shot on the BowlersMAP?
The bowling gods said "let there be strikes" and then there was Dyno-Thane!