Ball drillers are "damed if ya do,damed if ya don't", and some of them have no one to blame but themselves. They have a tough job, trying to keep up with the technology is their business, and they should know what each and every ball is designed to do. Some do. Others just listen to what the cutomer wants and pushes the balls out the door, and then the customer blames the ball, the driller, the company, the house,..or what ever is convienent, and they tell who ever will listen that this ball sucks....I see it all the time. This is one of the few sports where people buy equipment and have the seller try and change the characteristics of the product...befuddles me. Drill hooking balls to hook,..and visa-versa...Can you see a PRO go to the truck and tell his rep to drill him a plastic ball and "make it hook like crazy", ...ain't happening.
To me buying a ball should be like buying anything else, your research, know what you want the equipment for,..and ask for guidance from some one knowledgable in the task to be performed...