This has bascially turned into a coin toss. Here is what pros and cons I have seen with the 2 thus far.
Ogre Pearl-Pros
-Smooth from what I have heard
-Price point
-This is my biggest PRO, it comes at a middle of the road surface 1500-polished, gives you alot of room to change to find a desired reaction.
-More durable with the cover to core, with no filler
-Takes changes to surface really well for being the all cover to core combo.
-Little more than Psycho
-Like stated earlier in post, POSSIBLY drill specific
Psycho- Pros
-Maybe easier to layout with no worries.
-Might be smoother than ogre pearl because of its specs
-One of the best looking balls I have seen yet-means nothing to me though
-A little cheaper
-Price point
-Might be to strong for what I am looking for
-Comes at 4000 polished, that doesn't leave you much more room if it still doesn't go long enough, this concern's me because i am big on coverstock changes
-ALthough I clean all my orbs religiously, Hammer balls in general require more upkeep to keep the same reaction
I see the OP has more pro's and the OOB surface is something I like to see. I know I could flip a coin and whichever one it landed on I would most likely be happy with, but the Ogre just seems like a sure bet. Heck the lower differential might be good because of my high track and I generate alot of revs, alot of flare sometimes hurts my game. I had great success with my Buzz which has a low diff and was drilled weak 5.5 X 4.5
-Big Bang
-Spare Tire
Faball Black Hammer 16lb