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Author Topic: Which pearl will fill the gap?  (Read 2059 times)


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Which pearl will fill the gap?
« on: August 15, 2008, 05:20:18 AM »
I have recently made the switch to 15lb and am in the process of rebuilding my arsenal slowly.

PAP 5 5/8 up, 3/4 over

Current order from strongest to weakest
Threshold- 4 3/4 X 6MB- pin above ring, MB in thumb
Uprising-soon to be ordered
Code- 4 3/4 X 3 3/4- pin above ring
Creature solid- 5 X 5.5 Pin above ring

Heist- still undrilled, and undecided where it might fit but picked it up for dirt cheap and couldn't pass.

I feel that my heavy oil spot could be covered by the Threshold even though drilled weak if surface is tooken down to 1000 or 500.

I feel like i definitly need a pearl to throw either between code and creature or below creature.

I am looking for a med-price ball such as pyscho or rapid fire pearl. I prefer a more controlled, read of the lane. not srtait skid snap and I figured these to would give me that look.

Anyone have any experiences with these two, I have never tried storm so I am sorta curious. Thanks


-Big Bang
-Spare Tire

Faball Black Hammer 16lb


Maine Man

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Re: Which pearl will fill the gap?
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2008, 12:33:22 AM »
I don't have any experience with either the Psycho or the Rapid Fire pearl.  What I can recommend based on my arsenal, and what you are looking for, is the Cherry Vibe.  It fits your price range as a mid-price ball, and it is great on a medium to medium-dry house shot.  I have mine set up drilled RICO, and it is so smooth off the breakpoint, no skid snap at all, and it drives through the pins very well.  I hope this helps, good luck.
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Re: Which pearl will fill the gap?
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2008, 08:00:49 AM »
I have actually thrown a cherry vibe, friend has one and fits my hand pretty good. For the shot I will bebusing it on, it goes to long and makes for inconsistent bvall reaction from what i have seen so far.

I saw the pyscho thrown last night and was pretty impressed. it was smoother than most pearls I have seen.

So far it is between the ogre pearl and pyscho. They both cost close to $100, and I could see both of them working well for me. As charlest stated, the lower flare ogre pearl could make it kinda drill specific. My plan was to start drilling alot of my equipment the same starting with my code and threshold, nboth having the pin 4 3/4 X 3 3/4. That might be to far a pin placement for such a weak differential.

-Big Bang
-Spare Tire

Faball Black Hammer 16lb


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Re: Which pearl will fill the gap?
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2008, 11:35:56 AM »
I'd say you cant go wrong with either one LaneHammer, both are great balls
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Re: Which pearl will fill the gap?
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2008, 12:05:04 PM »
I have actually thrown a cherry vibe, friend has one and fits my hand pretty good. For the shot I will bebusing it on, it goes to long and makes for inconsistent bvall reaction from what i have seen so far.

While I still think the OP and the Psycho are closer to what you implied yo uwanted, don't forget that MainePBA said he was drilled Rico. That has the potential to smoothe out a lot of the negative factors you saw in the normally drilled Cherry.


I saw the pyscho thrown last night and was pretty impressed. it was smoother than most pearls I have seen.

So far it is between the ogre pearl and pyscho. They both cost close to $100, and I could see both of them working well for me. As charlest stated, the lower flare ogre pearl could make it kinda drill specific. My plan was to start drilling alot of my equipment the same starting with my code and threshold, nboth having the pin 4 3/4 X 3 3/4. That might be to far a pin placement for such a weak differential.

I'd suggest a stacked, 4x4, with the pin at or just above the ring finger area, for the OP, from my experience. But the Psycho has a low enough RG and enough flare for your drill above to work fairly well.
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Re: Which pearl will fill the gap?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2008, 03:57:19 PM »
This has bascially turned into a coin toss. Here is what pros and cons I have seen with the 2 thus far.

Ogre Pearl-Pros
-Smooth from what I have heard
-Price point
-This is my biggest PRO, it comes at a middle of the road surface 1500-polished, gives you alot of room to change to find a desired reaction.
-More durable with the cover to core, with no filler
-Takes changes to surface really well for being the all cover to core combo.
-Little more than Psycho
-Like stated earlier in post, POSSIBLY drill specific

Psycho- Pros
-Maybe easier to layout with no worries.
-Might be smoother than ogre pearl because of its specs
-One of the best looking balls I have seen yet-means nothing to me though
-A little cheaper
-Price point
-Might be to strong for what I am looking for
-Comes at 4000 polished, that doesn't leave you much more room if it still doesn't go long enough, this concern's me because i am big on coverstock changes
-ALthough I clean all my orbs religiously, Hammer balls in general require more upkeep to keep the same reaction

I see the OP has more pro's and the OOB surface is something I like to see. I know I could flip a coin and whichever one it landed on I would most likely be happy with, but the Ogre just seems like a sure bet. Heck the lower differential might be good because of my high track and I generate alot of revs, alot of flare sometimes hurts my game. I had great success with my Buzz which has a low diff and was drilled weak 5.5 X 4.5


-Big Bang
-Spare Tire

Faball Black Hammer 16lb