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Author Topic: Any particle pearl balls released lately?  (Read 1034 times)


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Any particle pearl balls released lately?
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:30:16 PM »
I started bowling last night at a house I have not bowled at in years.  They have wood lanes and allow bowlers to practice for a half hour before league.  By the end of the first game, the lanes broke down to a pretty extreme wet-dry.  I could play my Natural off the dry, but if I tug it in a little it goes straight as an arrow.

In the past I have had success on this type of pattern using particle pearl.  Particle grips in the soupy part of the lane, yet is milder off the dry.  I don't hear much about particle anymore.  I assume it's because oil patterns are much more blended and are not the top hats that were used when particle tech was developed.  I have also heard of companies putting particle in covers, but not advertising them as particle.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks.
Where is the bait?  I''m goin'' to jail!!! - Chocolate GAYzer