I just meant here are a couple of fine very mild pearl resin still available that actually handle light oil as well as urethanes do. The one overall advantage of urethanes is smoothness at the backend under almost every condition, whereas the resins will be smooth under about 85-90% of the conditions.
Resins provide you with more options, generally speaking in surface manipulation.
Unless you absolutely cannot afford it, I'd recommend you try one urethane and one resin of similar persuasions. Slingshot and Avalanche Urethane is one set of very inexpensive balls. Motiv Recon Silver pearl is a good resin one as is the Avalanche Slide, Ebonite Tornado and the Lanemasters Hornet (a littl eexpesive but lasts forever). The Natural Pearl (urethane) can work well, as the Seismic Desperado (a little bit more expensive pearl urethane) and the Ogre Urethane (needs a lot of dry).
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