Well, it happened again! Saturday, there I was sitting at +83 going into the final game of ABT. The current leaders were +88, +83 and +8 with 2 squads to go. Anyhow, heading into the 10th frame, on a spare, I could've punched out to add another 16 pins, or mark and count to add 3 to 6. Well, I step up on the left lane, the better of the 2 for me, I hit my mark, turn the ball well, smash the hole and leave a pocket 7-10. Now, I was playing deep inside, so that's always a possibility. However, I played the line for 4 games and never even flirted with that leave until then, when I needed it most. Well, nevertheless, the cut moved to +80 and the pocket 7-10 cost me a cash. Now I certainly wasn't perfect over the course of those 4 games. I did miss a few easy spares and I made some poor shots. If those things didn't happen, that 7-10 wouldn't have mattered. Nevertheless, I made the shot that I wanted to make when I knew that I needed to make it, and I got it crammed up my cornhole with wallnuts nonetheless. This would not bother me nearly as much if this kind of thing hadn't happened to me before. For some odd reason, I've had the unfortunate tendency of missing cuts by 10 or less pins several times, and it has often happened in similar, crappy ways. String a five-bagger and need the first one in the 10th to qualify, here comes the stone 8-pin. I just seem to have a knack for getting the bad break at the bad time. My realization is that I will just have to keep practicing so that I get to the point where I don't make any mistakes. That seems to be the only way that I can avoid being the first guy out of the money. Who else has this negative tendency? On the flip side, who always seems to be the last guy to make it?
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )