Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. The actual topic of this posting. What companies support crankers. Hmmmmmmmmm.........I have had success with alot of different companies. I have had most success with Columbia, Track, and Visionary.
Balls I have shot well with:
AMF: Hawk
Brunswick: Inferno, Danger Zone, Black Ice Danger Zone, Speed Zone
Columbia: Beasts, Tour Boss, Cuda 2000, Rock On, Rock Star
Ebonite: Pearl Tidal Wave, Panther
Faball: Hammer 3D Series, Blue Hammer
Track: Critical Masses, Crunch, Triton Heat, Triton Elites, Dry Heat
Visionary: Green Gargoyle, Crimson Executioner, Centaur
This ought to show you that there really isn't any one company that works better for crankers or strokers. As the great Jabroni has stated about 147 times on this site, "It is about matching up the ball to the lane condition."
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!