I think there is no advantage between the two. Low rev players throw big hooking balls on a more direct line and the ball gives them more carry. High rev players can either play inside with the same ball, or paly outside with a weaker ball. With more revs usually comes more speed and causes more pin action. But at the same time, with today's equipment, almost any ball makes pins fly (unless your bowling the Peterson). Low revs rely on more accuracy, high revs rely on power. Of the bowlers round here, some of the best players have lower revs, but there are a lot of players as well that rip the cover off of the ball and have equal success. Of the three best lefties around here (my opinion) 1 has low revs, one has a ton of rev's, and the 3rd is inbetween. As far as the righties go, 2 are on Team USA (Scott Pohl and Sam Lantto) and both are on the lower rev dept., a few more who avg. 220+ are lower revs, but a load more are high rev's and avg just as high. My teammate avg. 225 in our league, almost 230 in another and shot a load of honor scores this year (279+ about 10 times). He is a no thumber, but is just as accurate as any "stroker" around.
Overall, I say its a draw.
If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....