It is great to see all the new typefaces here

I wish I had more time to post and I will try harder to do that.
I know a board is only a board if people ever think of that?

Thank you to the folks that said my bowling articles have been helpful. That's the only reason I write them is to be of help. When you guys say they are helpful I know I am not waisting my time.

Doc, I put 2 stamps on that last check, so maybe it will get to ya. The checks are so big I think the mail man has been rejecting them for too little postage.

The basement has heat, air and a pool table. That should be good for your back.

Oh and a gas fire place so your wife can sit in rocking chair and knit all winter.

Don't worry in most centers the mop has not been wet in years. So they should not worry about messing up the approaches.

I used to use a pool cue, a really high dollar hand made one..but Sr.Kegler broke it.

You are a "whining, annoying, cursing 12 year old who is shoving the old, good members off of the site" ? Gee I think you bowl in my scratch league!!
Lots of folks read my articles on from accross the pond. I hope you enjoy them and they help you win a few quid.

Make sure you do post even if to say "Thanks for the info guys" There are a lot of helpful people here and that is one of the great things about bowlers and the internet. I will try to post some more articles soon.
Keep posting if you have been here less than a year.
It's great to see the site grow. As a bowling coach I get to travel the country and meet tons of bowlers. I have met a lot that post here. There are no greater people on the planet than bowlers.
Well maybe our military, I feel I owe them everything.
Remember there is no board if you don't post. I will try to follow that advice myself more.
Bowl great everyone!
Ron Clifton