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Author Topic: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???  (Read 2563 times)


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Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« on: February 03, 2004, 07:34:49 PM »
Who is the bowler in your area that you admire there game?  I'm pretty sure most of you heavy hitters will say yourself.  So besides yourself, whose game do like and respect?
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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2004, 10:38:02 AM »
My nephew. He's a great bowler, trying right now to get on the tour, now that he has the games needed. Carries a 220 average in 4 houses. Has a smooth release I could only dream of. lol
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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2004, 10:48:02 AM »
My DAD!   Last year at age 68 he had 4 300's and an 800.  He has shot 300 already once this year.  All this after 6 heart attacks and a stroke.  He had the stroke last year.  Truly amazing.  He bowls consistently in SASBA tournaments and keeps active.  He is a constant student of the game and works hard at his sport.  He's not always a thing of beauty but effective.

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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2004, 10:51:36 AM »
Definitely my cousin. Why? Because he's the only person that has an average over 200 in our house (211 to be exact) and is the only person to shoot 300 in our house more than once.
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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2004, 10:55:03 AM »
there's a couple guys around here that got game,..I could sit and watch Paul Fleming bowl all day,...great techniques,balance, package. The other is Chris Johnson...he makes throwing strikes look too easy, not fair.


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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2004, 12:50:47 PM »
When he is in town, Rick Steelsmith is up there on my all-time favorite bowlers to watch.  I just wish he would trust himself more on tour.  He's been working with sports psychologists to help him.  That shoulder injury took a lot out of him mentally.  His game is different now, but he looks phenomenal.

Non-pros in Wichita, KS I like to watch for their smooth powerful deliveries:  Ed Henning, Kelly Bonta, Jeff Jensen.  There are actually 20 or so around here that look pretty good, these just stand out right now.  

P.S.  I absolutely loved watching Pinbuster playing 5th arrow with above ground ball returns.  I'm still amazed those returns survived all the kicks over the years.

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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2004, 02:36:32 PM »
Oh man. Huge list. So many good bowlers. I live in the Virginia area, and heres mine(the few of them): (i hope they don't mind me mentioning their names)

Ed Pictavige(Not spelt right, at least i don't think it is)
Joey Dineen
Trey Cummings
Gil(Gilbert) Salang
Todd Allred(highest average bowler in the southern area of va)
John Confalone
And theres one more guy, I don't remember his name.

For those who bowl in the pba south region, you might of heard of some of these guys.

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Edited on 2/4/2004 3:33 PM

navy beans

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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2004, 10:14:06 AM »
Just wondering where you are from??? I subbed last night at Lynnhaven Lanes in Va Beach where Todd Allred bowls, I have to agree he is a very good bowler. I don't know the other guys you mentioned on here.... Todd puts up some big numbers over there! Plus he's at about 235


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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2004, 01:59:52 PM »
Brian Kretzer is the most well known. Another is George Gohagen III, a phenominal young lefty. Both of them are doing well so far this week in the Open. Kretzer is listed in 17th and Gohagen 50th after 17 games C squad. By the way, that's Dayton Ohio.
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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2004, 05:27:33 PM »
In my area i would have to say Doug Kent
for the approach and smooth release and
Ryan Shafer for the ball reaction.
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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2004, 06:45:33 PM »
A guy here named Anthony Judd, and of course, Ron Bahr . .  Anthony is 24, has 18 300's and 8 800's, and that's over a span of maybe 5 or 6 years.  Ron, of course, won ABC Nats last year, and shot the first ever back to back 300's in the tournament's 100 year history.  There are a few more I could name, but nobody would probably recognize the names.  Aside from Rhino Page . .
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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2004, 06:51:30 PM »
Have a guy in town that I have bowled against for a little while and also lived down the street from him that use to be on the tour that I love to watch. He still uses the old Blue Hammer and scores damn well with it. My brother use to be really good he is not bad still but when he was real serious about the game he was pretty untouchable at times. Jimensminger have you seen Paul's wife bowl at all? I grew up watching her up here in South Dakota she use to be pretty good would guess she still is.

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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2004, 08:57:49 PM »
When you live in a city like Dallas, well it is easy to find someone to cheer for. Paul Fleming has to come to mind, CJ is the young gun making a name, Chris Barnes moved here, then Del is still hanging around. My favorite of all, doesn't live here anymore, but grew up here. That is Norm Duke. The guy has such a versatile game. I will be glad when he gets over what ever physical situation that he has been dealing with. His ability to change approach, play all angles and change hand positions to fit the angle to get entry is amazing. I have been surprised in recent years to not see him on TV more. He also is great with the fans. Actually have seen him giving bowling tips to fans more than once.


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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2004, 09:15:10 PM »
I'd have to say I have two that I admire greatly.

First, the secretary of our mixed league. She's a great lady who exhibits grace under pressure, is a team player, will always, always join a team for a tournament, even when she knows the others aren't on a par with her, and offers encouragement to everyone. First night of league in September, she went the front 10 even though she was being bombarded with questions on all sides about fees, dues, paperwork, sanction cards, etc. No one has ever thrown a 300 in our house. I was honored to be bowling on the next pair over so I could watch her almost make it. Wish she had.

The other is the owner/operator of the pro shop in our house. He gives us excellent service. He also joined my husband and me on a team in our first league ever just to be sure we got a good start in league bowling even though he doesn't enjoy bowing summer leagues. He has worked with us for several games every week since we first started bowling two years ago. Because of his encouragement, we'll be bowling our first Nationals in March, and he will be on our team instead of on the team of much better bowlers he usually goes with.

I'm not sure how we were so fortunate to find these two people as mentors, but I will be forever grateful to both of them.


ON EDIT: I realized I didn't really mention their games. Both are smooth strokers with excellent fundamentals. They are each a study in consistency and make the game look easy. For me, the sportsmanship, attitude and helpful nature of each of these people are the things that make them admirable. The fact that they are also very good bowlers is the icing on the cake.

Edited on 2/5/2004 10:14 PM


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Re: Who Is The Local Bowler That You Admire???
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2004, 01:30:05 AM »
I got a couple in my area.

1. Joe Firpo- He bowled on Tour for 17 years before he stopped back in 97.  He bowls in just one league, and usually misses a week a month.  The league bowls in a old wood house (approx 40 years old), and still able a low 230s average.  Even being completely out of the game, you watch him and the rest of the guys around, and he still looks like he is in a completely class all by himself.  I believe in 2000 it was, he bowled in a Local regional, the first time he had bowled a PBA event in 2 years and finished 3rd in it.  It just makes us wonder how he only came up with 1 title.

2. Bernie Mainland- He is in his late 50s, maybe early 60s, and still able to compete with anyone in this area.  HE has a really bad set of knees and a bad back.  The guy has knowledge that most of us can't comprehend.  The most telling moment i remember was in 96-97ish, in a really competitive ABC league (Men/Women), he was bowling for my team one night.  Well the center stripped and oiled the lanes just one problem..... they forgot to add oil in the machine, literally.  A league that featured probably a dozen 215+ bowlers, only 2 people thatn ight broke 600.  I was fortunate to shoot 607 throw a plastic ball over the capping and left as hard as I can.  Meanwhile, Bernie was taking a fairly new 3D Offset (Was one of the new "hookers" at the time) playing 10-5 and shot 749. Absolutely Mindboggling.  

3. Tom Clark- He bowled some senior pba events, and other major senior events for a little while, eventhough he has had shoulder problems.  A Basic suitcase style, but accurate as can be.  Never misses a spare. Bowled with him 2 years ago, and the team kept up with stats like that.  He had a total in the low 20s of Opens, which included big splits in that total.  I only recalled him missing 1 10 pin in the 36 week season.