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Author Topic: Who makes the best balls on the market right now  (Read 8561 times)


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Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« on: October 11, 2016, 08:24:49 PM »
I hear bowlers talk about how they don't like a certain company or I can't sell any balls from this certain company etc etc etc... I also here that if you are good enough, you could score with anything and that all companies make good stuff. Just out of curiosity which company do you like/dislike and why? Which company top to bottom (Dry to Heavy Oil) has the best lineup?



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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 08:55:48 PM »
Personally, I feel like all the companies right now are pretty even. Its really a personal preference


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2016, 09:33:39 PM »
Well, first explain what you mean by "best" .

 Does it mean the most versatile?  Or perhaps it means most durable? Maybe, it might even mean widest selection, or most conditions covered, or most popular?

 Lots of definitions for "best".
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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2016, 09:47:46 PM »
No bad balls just bad bowlers
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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 01:46:11 AM »
brunswick tzone . plastic compound without cracking. lovely colors
Will expand arsenal after I polish my spares.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2016, 05:08:54 AM »


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2016, 10:03:00 AM »
" could score with anything and that all companies make good stuff"

That is your answer. I've thrown balls from most major manufacturers (and some minor manufacturers) over the years. I usually go with a majority of my balls from one, but always have some others from other companies. Previously it was Motiv. Dropping to 14 lbs this summer, I switched to Brunswick - mostly Radical. But I also kept my Jackal LE when it came in and bought a Mission Unknown.

The simple fact is, the #1 factor in ball motion is determined by the user. If you can't be consistent enough, no ball is going to perform better than others. If you can, then you look at filling your arsenal with different balls that give you different looks and balls that suit different conditions.

Despite the stereotypes out there, just about all companies offer different motions in their line up. I've thrown enough balls from most companies to know that this is true. Overall, some may gravitate towards one ball motion, but not 100%. Anyone who tells you otherwise is ignorant.

In terms of durability, I've seen people complain about cracking about multiple manufacturers. All balls can crack. Personally, I've owned dozens of balls (75+) and I've only had one ball crack. I don't wrap my balls in plastic bags or rotate them either. Most/all of my balls are stored in ball bags/totes in my bedroom.

There are balls that you will match up better with, but it won't (generally) matter what company they are from.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2016, 10:10:27 AM »
There is no "best" brand. They all make good equipment. It's azll a matter of matching up. One mans "turd" could ne another's best ball ever.
Current arsenal

Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2016, 11:00:39 AM »
Some people have biases for or against certain companies, but they're not really based on anything that's true these days. It's all good. And there's so much quality equipment coming out the amount of choices are bordering on overwhelming.

You really have to take your time and pick something that fits what you want it to do. Some pearls are angular while others are smooth. Some solids are smooth while others are angular. The conventional ways of thinking don't apply as much anymore.

Assuming your pro shop is good they can usually give you the best recommendations. Asking on here helps too. It's a process, but a necessary one if you want to get stuff that fits what you need. Otherwise you might have a lot of overlap and, most importantly, be wasting your money.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2016, 11:09:31 AM »
>> Some people have biases for or against certain companies, but they're not really based on anything that's true these days.

My bias towards Brunswick, Radical and DV8 is based on TRUTH. All three "Brunswick" brands are Made in Mexico. With so many great bowling balls still made in the USA, there is no reason for anyone to support the removal of American jobs to Mexico just so Brunswick can make a few more dollars on each ball. Brunswick doesn't even have the guts to print "Made In Mexico" on their bowling balls, but the USA made balls proudly say, "Made in USA."
Balls: Motiv Trident Abyss, Motiv Golden Jackal, Motiv Hydra and Motiv Hyper Sniper. All made in the USA.

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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2016, 11:25:58 AM »
>> Some people have biases for or against certain companies, but they're not really based on anything that's true these days.

My bias towards Brunswick, Radical and DV8 is based on TRUTH. All three "Brunswick" brands are Made in Mexico. With so many great bowling balls still made in the USA, there is no reason for anyone to support the removal of American jobs to Mexico just so Brunswick can make a few more dollars on each ball. Brunswick doesn't even have the guts to print "Made In Mexico" on their bowling balls, but the USA made balls proudly say, "Made in USA."

Funny I drilled a Storm ball the other day for a customer.  Big sticker that said made in China.  Sad argument in today's day and age, when almost everything we own isn't made in the USA. 

Like several others have said, it all depends on matching up.  EVERY brand is making good stuff these days.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2016, 11:33:35 AM »
>> Some people have biases for or against certain companies, but they're not really based on anything that's true these days.

My bias towards Brunswick, Radical and DV8 is based on TRUTH. All three "Brunswick" brands are Made in Mexico. With so many great bowling balls still made in the USA, there is no reason for anyone to support the removal of American jobs to Mexico just so Brunswick can make a few more dollars on each ball. Brunswick doesn't even have the guts to print "Made In Mexico" on their bowling balls, but the USA made balls proudly say, "Made in USA."

I'm all for buying USA when I have the chance, so I completely agree with you there. Here is the issue I have though. Is your phone made here, your computer, your television, your Playstation or Xbox, your car or it's parts, your clothes, your appliances, or basically everything else? I'm sure that not all of the machinery, software, and computers that Motiv uses to design and produce their bowling balls isn't all Made in the USA. Take a look at any built in the USA car from GM, Dodge, or Ford and they all have a huge portion of foreign parts in them. Then go look at any Toyota, Nissan, or Honda made in the USA car and they have higher percentage of built in the USA parts by American workers than the domestic cars being built here. I wish this wasn't the case, but you can't change how the world works. To continually bash Brunswick about moving to Mexico is pointless when the American economy is what pushed them there. It's all about maximizing profit, and it does suck that they can't keep it all here, but business is business.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2016, 11:46:23 AM »
>> Some people have biases for or against certain companies, but they're not really based on anything that's true these days.

My bias towards Brunswick, Radical and DV8 is based on TRUTH. All three "Brunswick" brands are Made in Mexico. With so many great bowling balls still made in the USA, there is no reason for anyone to support the removal of American jobs to Mexico just so Brunswick can make a few more dollars on each ball. Brunswick doesn't even have the guts to print "Made In Mexico" on their bowling balls, but the USA made balls proudly say, "Made in USA."

But Brunswick, Radical, and DV8 are still making great bowling balls regardless of where they make them. They're not inferior products. That's the point.

Made in the USA, made in Mexico, made in China, etc. is a totally different argument. One that I don't care for nor really have strong feelings for either way.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2016, 12:46:09 PM »
>> Some people have biases for or against certain companies, but they're not really based on anything that's true these days.

My bias towards Brunswick, Radical and DV8 is based on TRUTH. All three "Brunswick" brands are Made in Mexico. With so many great bowling balls still made in the USA, there is no reason for anyone to support the removal of American jobs to Mexico just so Brunswick can make a few more dollars on each ball. Brunswick doesn't even have the guts to print "Made In Mexico" on their bowling balls, but the USA made balls proudly say, "Made in USA."

That is actually a poor reason not to buy from Brunswick. It is 2016; we live in a global economy now. Everything that goes into making those balls (the ones "made in the USA") is not from the USA. So what if they are poured in the USA? As others have said, are all your other products "made in the USA"?

That said, I live in Canada. I'm not aware of any bowling balls being made here. But in terms of other products, I don't care where they are made. If the product is good, it is worth buying. There are still plenty of jobs out there. And it is rare to find a manufactured product that is 100% from the country of origin.


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Re: Who makes the best balls on the market right now
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2016, 12:53:22 PM »
"There are still plenty of jobs out there?"  That sir, is an ignorant statement. I just had to lay off 20 of my US team, and 100 up North are gone from other groups, and 70 more in other groups are being laid off before Christmas. Jobs are not plentiful, and I have others who have been looking for > 1 year. If we keep ignoring "buy USA", we are in trouble...
SOrry to rant, but that is the most head in the sand attitude I've heard in a while.