Nice to on a couple of lists thanks!
I think King of the mill is a major guru!
Constantine, Precision, Drillman300.
Guys in addition to whom I hang on every word, (often search for any posts by them). Bob Hanson, Jeff Mop, above.
Though I think they are absolutely nuts, I respect the passion of Rags, and SrLunatic and Towncryer. You guys are out there but you've got the mental horsepower to argue passionately for your looney ideas!
I love the passion of Ric Clint for bowling, Brickguy for his love of the game and enjoyment of written communication, and many others who have treated me with kindness and some respect. Lest not I have always respected the wild one,
Pchee2 who when not spoofing or goading has some major mental horsepower.
PS also I have enjoyed the friendship and coaching of Magic Carpet, and passion for the game of Mr.BowlingNut, and respect the opinions of

? who has got to be right because he thinks just like me, he's just a lot better bowler.
PPS oh, don't tell him but that guy Sawbones, he is some stud! In mental and physical accomplishments.