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Author Topic: Who on here do U respect most?  (Read 2184 times)


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Who on here do U respect most?
« on: August 05, 2004, 03:17:37 AM »
person and why

Sawbones - starting posts that make you think, seems very knowledgable about life.

LuckyLefty - Seems like he has an endless knowledge of ball/drilling tech.

King of the Mill - help with ball layouts, just give him the ball and accurate style specs and he will hook you up.

Edited on 8/5/2004 6:19 PM



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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2004, 06:21:08 PM »
I agree with King of the Mill great guy and expert driller.
Ike Brownfield


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2004, 06:27:54 PM »
I respect two different groups of people for two different reasons, different people fall into the different groups and some into both.  I don't want to list names for fear of leaving someone out.

The first group: those with a hunger to learn and a willingness to listen to others and try new things to get better.

The second group: those who give their posts some thought, are considerate of others, are willing to share what they do know, and admit when they simply do not know something.
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2004, 07:15:05 PM »
being a newbie my thoughts may surprise some.

I like AKA's outspoken attitude regardless who he pi*** off,

Sawbones seems to be the wisest.

The BowlingKid for trying hard to particpate. Seems to try and keep the board active.

Srkegler, seems friendliest....... but like I said I'm newbie.

Some because they are chics........ not that I'm lesbo, just neat to hear chics post on bowling.

If I knew you all better, I could come up with one for each of you. Like Junior league where everyone gets a trophy.

Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
I wish I knew as much about bowling as my son.
He's not a bragger but mom sure loves to share his good times!


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2004, 08:03:13 PM »
kotm - bowling equipment understanding and sharing

sawbones - life understanding and sharing

Philip Marlowe - sharing bowling ideas and much more.

Plus many other individuals who make this website a pleasure to participate in, mostly for their ability to share ideas.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2004, 08:20:06 PM »
respect two different groups of people for two different reasons, different people fall into the different groups and some into both. I don't want to list names for fear of leaving someone out.

The first group: those with a hunger to learn and a willingness to listen to others and try new things to get better.

The second group: those who give their posts some thought, are considerate of others, are willing to share what they do know, and admit when they simply do not know something.


Took the words right out of my fingers
I mostly like being a fly on the wall


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2004, 09:38:42 PM »
bob hanson----the man has a world of experience bowling at a very high level AND he knows what he is talking about.


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2004, 09:43:14 PM »
LeftE, think that's it.

For stirring the pot up, even if the heat might be hot.
Takes guts to post something you expect more to disagree with.
Kathy, From PA!
Big mouth, loves to talk.
Have mouth will travel!!!


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2004, 10:10:41 PM »
I respect many posters on different levels but there are a few in particular that come to mind:

Sawbones -- For his thought provoking posts, sage advice and overall gentlemanly manner.

LuckyLefty -- For taking the time to share his wealth of knowledge and presenting it in a way that is easily understood by all.

Philip Marlowe -- For his unusual reviews.  Reading them is like curling up with a good book.

Thanks to all for sharing


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2004, 11:02:02 PM »
King Of The Mill for spans, pitches, drilling and lay out knowledge, technical knowledge.

Charlest for Ball knowledge.

Doug Sterner for ball cover maintenancesuch as but not limited to sanding, polishing, etc.

pin-chaser for his over all bowling knowledge.

Jeffrevs for his sense of humor and quick wit.

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income

Edited on 8/5/2004 10:58 PM
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2004, 11:19:01 PM »
I really like that Bamaster fellow.  I hear he's pretty darn handsome and good with the hot mamacitas.

Gotta respect a man like that!



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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2004, 11:44:10 PM »
I really like that Bamaster fellow.  I hear he's pretty darn handsome and good with the hot mamacitas.

Gotta respect a man like that!


Where did you hear something like that.  Probably got mixed up in the translation from english to messican.

After considerable thought, I would just have to post the entire user list.  Everyone contributes in some way or another.  You just never know where that useful tidbit of information will come from.

A few years ago I was at a tournament, stinking the place up as usual and mentioned to my wife I had no idea what was going on.  There was a little kid, probably 6-7 yrs old at most setting next to her.  He jumped down from the seat and said "you're not doing this", and threw his arm up in the air.  I laughed, then thought about it, he was right.  Started following thru and shot the best 7 games of my life.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2004, 11:50:26 PM »
A few years ago I was at a tournament, stinking the place up as usual and mentioned to my wife I had no idea what was going on.  There was a little kid, probably 6-7 yrs old at most setting next to her.  He jumped down from the seat and said "you're not doing this", and threw his arm up in the air.  I laughed, then thought about it, he was right.  Started following thru and shot the best 7 games of my life.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"

Great story!
It's amazing where useful advice can come from.

Edited on 8/5/2004 11:45 PM


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2004, 12:19:06 AM »
Nice to on a couple of lists thanks!

I think King of the mill is a major guru!
Constantine, Precision, Drillman300.

Guys in addition to whom I hang on every word, (often search for any posts by them).  Bob Hanson, Jeff Mop, above.

Though I think they are absolutely nuts, I respect the passion of Rags, and SrLunatic and Towncryer.  You guys are out there but you've got the mental horsepower to argue passionately for your looney ideas!

I love the passion of Ric Clint for bowling, Brickguy for his love of the game and enjoyment of written communication, and many others who have treated me with kindness and some respect.  Lest not I have always respected the wild one,
Pchee2 who when not spoofing or goading has some major mental horsepower.


PS also I have enjoyed the friendship and coaching of Magic Carpet, and passion for the game of Mr.BowlingNut, and respect the opinions of ???? who has got to be right because he thinks just like me, he's just a lot better bowler.
PPS oh, don't tell him but that guy Sawbones, he is some stud!  In mental and physical accomplishments.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Who on here do U respect most?
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2004, 12:28:53 AM »
Holy cow I was on someones list, thats unusual. Usually the only list Im on is someones ignore list!

Out of everyone on this site, I have to say I have the most respect for Sawbones. Though his posts may seem slow, or boring at first, once you get into them you cannot stop. He is a wishing well full of knowledge.

RagnarFloggurass(A.K.A. Rags)(dont kno if i spelled ur name right sry) is one of the most argumentative people on this whole entire board, BUT, I respect that because he stands up for everything he believes in.

I also respect HammerBowler. Not quite sure why, I just do.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!