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Author Topic: who the heck are you  (Read 4669 times)


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who the heck are you
« on: September 21, 2004, 06:49:00 AM »
i would like to know where all you guys are bowling. how well you guys are doing this year. thought we should open a topic for people to brag a little. also why dont you throw in your thoughts on the house you roll at, your name and age if you want, and whatever else you want to say. this topic is open.



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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2004, 12:35:36 AM »
Steven Vance, 31 years old.  I am bowling in 2 leagues this fall.  I bowl Monday Nights at Brunswick Zone Lilburn, Lilburn, GA, and on Wednesday Nights at Tucker Bowling Center in Tucker, GA.  Monday night is on synthetic lanes and Wednesday night is on some 40 year old wooden lanes.  I think there are boards missing in the heads on some lanes.  What is interesting about this league, is that we are moving into a new center near the first of the year.  YES!!  You heard it here.  We are bowling the first 12 weeks or so in the old center and the remaining part in the new center on new crappy Brunswick synthetics.  This should be fun.

To my Cedar Rapids peeps!!!  Anyone know what Joel Donner is up to these days?  He WAS a good friend from the military years ago that I visited up there in IA a few years back that had decided to cut ties from me for no reason at all.  He does not return my calls or anything and I am curious to see what he is up to.  If anyone knows, can you please I.M. me back?
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2004, 12:56:12 AM »
Dan, age 20, bowling out of Winona, MN.  I usually bowl out of Westgate in Winona, or Colonial Lanes in Rochester, MN (my hometown).  After 2 weeks of league, I'm averaging 205ish after taking the whole summer off(last year I finished at 217).  I'm the captain of the Winona State University men's bowling club.  Not much exciting going on yet, our first tournament is next weekend in Milwaukee.
Dan Chambers
Winona State University Bowling

Jeff The Chef

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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2004, 09:02:36 AM »

Hmm...a lot of adult bowlers and no bowlers from Canada have posted...yet...!

Here you go Dino:

My name is Jeff, I'm 19, and I hail from Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. I bowl out of C&D Lanes - a small 24 lane, wood house, that is half 5 pin and half 10 pin lanes.

My average after 3 weeks of league so far is 181 or so. I bowl on a reverse block shot that transitions very quickly, so what you score is what you earned. My THS average at another nearby, synthetic house is typically in the 210-215 range - too bad I can't bowl a second league there just to see what my "true" THS potential is LOL.

Hey.....wait a house sounds exactly like BK's home house! Weird...

Edited on 9/22/2004 8:57 AM


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2004, 01:52:04 PM »
My name is Mike, age 44.  I bowl at Poelking Marian Lanes in Dayton, Ohio.  I bowl in 2 leagues.  One is a THS.  I averaged 225 last year and I am at 228 after 5 weeks this year.  The other league is a sport league.  I averaged 198 last year and I am at 204 after 2 weeks this year.


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2004, 02:31:00 PM »
Vernon 44 from Queens NY.  Bowl at Homefield, Bowlerland and Van Wyck Lanes.  High of 200 avg and low of 189.  Bad habit of lofting a little bit too much at times but getting that under control.  Bowling in a league for the first time in years (had knee surgery).  Totally blown away at how bowling balls have changed!  15-17mph with avg-med revs.  Big fan of Morich Balls (Ravage and Onslaught).  Also have taken a strong like to Brunswick Inferno family (Ultimate and Intense).  Met a few peeps from the forum who not only bowl really well but are also great people as well.
Caring people make a difference!!!  All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2004, 06:52:46 PM »
Hi, My name is Paul.  I am 42 (almost 43) years young and I love to bowl!  I bowl two nights a week in Maryland.  Tuesday night men's commercial league at Greenmount Bowl in Hampstead, MD and Thursday night mixed league at the Brunswick house in Columbia, MD.  I usually start slow, but this year I am averaging 221 on Tuesday and 206 on Thursday.  I mostly lurk around here, but thought I would add to this topic.  I think this website is great and love to read the posts!  Check out my profile for more info about equipment and the like...


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2004, 09:19:09 AM »
I am John and i am 32 i bowl in two leagues a wednesday classic league in Harmar Pa at Funfest. I am starting to bowl well there. I also bowl in Natrona Heights PA at Plaza Lanes in a mixed league with my wife and i am average normal there.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!


Rick Wunder

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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2004, 09:48:31 AM »
I'm Rick, and I'm 55.  I bowl Mondays and Thursdays at Hawthorn Lanes (synthetic lanes) in Vernon Hills, IL, and I bowl Fridays at B.A.M.M. (Bowling And Much More - formerly Espo's - wood lanes) in Elgin, IL.  I also bowl in the ABT Chicagoland North branch, which holds tournaments nearly every weekend of the year in various centers in the Chicago area.

I am off to a very fast start this season - my league composite so far is 217.  Last year, that was my high, in a league I no longer bowl, when my composite was 205.  Time will tell if I can keep up my current pace this season.

Let It Bleed

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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2004, 01:50:38 PM »
Aaron, 19, bowl at Plaza Lanes two nites a week in Highland, IN.  Wednesday nite is a "PBA Pattern League" where we see a different tour shot each week.  It's all match play, with about 18 or so guys involved.  Places are determined by match play record for the 4 games, with extra bonus points here and there.  I went 4-0 on pattern B the first week...last nite 2-2 on A...averaging 175 so far.  2nd season of doing this (we had it in the summer) and hopefully I can improve on my 9th place finish from earlier (out of 24 guys, including Eugene McCune).  Friday nite is a mixed league.  About 26 teams or so.  2nd shift, half of the league bowls after a womens league, the other half after a competitive mens league, so shots vary quite a bit.  I've been struggling through 2 weeks, with a case of the pulls (I posted in the misc section for help...thanks again to everyone who replied) so I plan to use my handicap to the fullest.  I am also bowling for Purdue University, first year of bowling collegiately.  I am not on campus (I go to a satellite of Purdue...Purdue Calumet), so practicing with the team is a challenge in itself...about a hour and a half away...but plan to make my way down there tomorrow!  That's about all I can think of for now.
"Chicks dig the trip 4" -Randy Pederson


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2004, 01:58:44 PM »
I'm Brian, 28. I bowl in a small house in Northeast Kansas, called West Lanes. I bowl two nights a week and I'm averaging 160 or so and climbing. This is my second year bowling, and just making some improvements and picking up spares will hopefully take me to a 180 average this year. That's my goal anyway!
Spare now, strike later!!..


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2004, 05:00:40 PM »
Call me Brandon, 24yr, I shoot at Pla-mor Lanes in Dayton, Ohio on Tuesday nite avg 191, and Poelking South in Centerville, Ohio on weds nite avg 221.
"To bowl or not to bowl that is the question"


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2004, 12:24:34 AM »
Hi, My name is Dave and I bowl league once a week at Drkula's 32 in Inver Grove Heights, MN.  I would like to bowl more but I've got a wife and three little kids and I can't find the time.  The shot at Drkula's is very oily.  Probably more oil than anywhere else in the Twin Cities.  Outside of the five board the lanes are quite dry.  The carry is fairly tough and if you play too far out you get a big over/under reaction.  If you can get lined up and carry you can score pretty high.
I started bowling thumbless this summer.  It's something I have tried in the past but never for a whole season.  If anyone thinks I bowl thumbless because I don't take the time to learn to bowl properly with my thumb in the ball they are absolutely RIGHT!  But, hey, I'm having a lot of fun right now and turning a few heads.  I haven't had any physical problems as a result of bowling thumbless; it really doesn't bother me at all.  I throw about 15.5 to 16.5 MPH (qubica), and rev it up pretty good.  After three weeks I am averaging 219.  I had 751 last Monday.  I hope to average 225 by the end of the season, and try to hit some tournaments here and there.
I'm also quite proud of the fact that I NEVER, EVER buy a brand new ball.  I haven't bough a new ball in 14 years!  I buy all my stuff used and $60 is my spending limit.



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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2004, 02:42:44 AM »
My name is Jody, I'm 37, and I bowl at Billy Hardwick's Lanes in Memphis, TN. Right now my average is an even 200. The humidity here is really bad and sometimes causes the lanes to break down quick, especially on the wood at Billy's. I sometimes get out to a couple of the other houses here (Bartlett Lanes and Imperial Lanes). Both are synthetic and don't break down nearly as fast.
"Leap into the boundless and make it your home."---Sun Tzu

Wow I bowl at Hardwicks too. But, I find that the synthetics at Imperial break down faster than anything I've ever bowled on.
At Hardwick's I hardly have to move the entire night.
I'd guess you bowl on the low side (lanes 1-20) where it is always the mixed league shot that is a lighter pattern. The low side has always been lighter for as long as I can remember.

Oh I'm Mark. I'm 47 and bowl Mondays at Hardwicks 3 games a week no practice.
Sometimes I sub in the 2nd shift league. I used to bowl 5 leagues in 4 week night's and was practicing sometimes on the weekends. Eventually got tired of bowling so much and cut back to this schedule which I'm enjoying immensely.

Great consistent easy house shot that even I can move the ball easily on.
Avg = 230 for now. That's about 10-15 pins higher than I expect it to end up but, that shot is just so nice who knows ?
I'll stone no head pins before their time.
Sr. K will. He gets tapped like that all the time.

Edited on 9/25/2004 2:36 AM


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2004, 03:12:14 AM »
I'm live in Campbell, CA. My name is Dee (I'm male), 35, I average 210+ with plastic because I won't spend the money on Strike in a Box.  Bowl 3 times a week. (2 THS, 1 Sport)  I bowl at Cambrian Bowl in San Jose.  I can't score in doubles, but I cash in singles.  This year my average is down because I can't find the left lane(mental problem).  I started bowling at Alma Bowl, and I'd still be bowling there, but they locked the doors, for good.  I used to bowl ABT (bay division) until I found out that I can't play the bagger's game.
My bowling style is a little different.  I palm the ball like a bowler that doesn't use his thumb.  The difference is, my thumb is in the ball.


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Re: who the heck are you
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2004, 06:01:21 AM »
My name is Karl, age 38, and I bowl out of Calumet, MI. I bowl in both local houses, Miller's Recreation(8 lanes), and Copper Bowl(12). Miller's has wooden approaches and synthetic lanes(love that combination) and C.B. has full synthetic. Miller's is a THS with plenty of area, but it does dry up quickly. C.B. is a little trickier; plenty of oil in the middle, but very little swing area, and outside 5 is OB. The approaches are also quite sticky at C.B.(I don't like synthetic approaches, unless they're properly cared for. C.B. doesn't properly care for theirs)
 Currently at 210 @ Miller's, and about 180 @ C.B. Last year was at 215 and 205, respectively.
