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Author Topic: Question on Foul rules.  (Read 3302 times)


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Question on Foul rules.
« on: February 01, 2009, 06:53:50 AM »

Here's a situation I ran in to last week and it got me thinking.  Third game, 10th frame.  I've already finished out the last frame for our team.  The final bowler of the other team goes 9/ and needs 6 pins to take the game.  On his delivery he sticks on the approach and tosses a 4 count but he falls forward and plants both hands on the lane, clearly a foul.  He went far enough past the foul line that the lights didn't pick it up.  

Now, noone called this foul.  It had no effect at all on the outcome of the score sheets.  But I am wondering if I should have called it and if so, would he have gotten the provisional ball roll?  I see in the rule book that he would if there was a dispute but there's no way anyone could honestly dispute the foul.  

I am thinking that the 4 pins should have come off the score and it be left at that.  But as I said before, it really had no effect on the games.  I have no intention of following it up and saying anything about it, I am just curious how it would be handled in a situation where it would have mattered.


Burak Natal

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Re: Question on Foul rules.
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2009, 01:57:39 AM »
Think of the foul line as extending the entire length of the building.

If any part of your body touches any part of the lane or machinery past that foul line, it is a foul.

Actually, that "imaginary line" extends through the planet
You can not touch something past that line. It can be either a wall, a column, machine, gutter, or the lane next to yours.

I have a very interesting memory:

In the European Men Championship 2005, one bowler made a very bad mistake. I really don't recall his name or nationality, but couple of minutes after he rolled his 12th strike, while he was "enjoying" his triumph, he deliberately step on the foul line! According to the rule, either he had to step down from the approach, or some other bowler must have rolled a ball next to him to call his shot is ended. But, as you may understand, no body rolled any ball after his and he had not step down from the approach till that moment!

So, although couple of minutes had passed from his shot, it is called violation of the foul rule and he received 0 count for the last shot!

Something you can not come across much

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