
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: rockerbowler18 on January 25, 2009, 01:04:32 PM

Title: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: rockerbowler18 on January 25, 2009, 01:04:32 PM
If there was $50000 on the line? One shot. Strike or nothing.
Who would you ask to throw for you? Or would you hang onto it for yourself?

Parker Bohn for me.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb''s Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: JOE FALCO on January 25, 2009, 09:05:45 PM
Norm Duke!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: J_Mac on January 25, 2009, 09:06:35 PM
Del Ballard Jr.  (with the bumpers up of course)

Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: mrbowlingnut on January 25, 2009, 09:09:33 PM
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: rockerbowler18 on January 25, 2009, 09:11:41 PM
Del Ballard Jr.  (with the bumpers up of course)

Bravo, sir.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: SVstar34 on January 25, 2009, 09:13:02 PM
Duke... Or myself, because it's my money to win, so i wouldnt want the other person i chose to go for me to feel bad if he/she missed
My Arsenal:
Bounty(4.5 x 4.75 Fresh 1000 Abralon)
Twisted Fury(5 x 4 500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Raw Hammer Pain(Leverage 1000 Abralon)
Blue Vibe(5 x 5 4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)

Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: bowlerdawg on January 25, 2009, 09:25:09 PM

no lefty hating here
dude had ice in his veins

member : F.O.S.

pin shredder @ the sawmill

im on a magic carpet ride
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: Hogsharley on January 25, 2009, 09:29:05 PM
TJ. He got 12 titles in his last 17 TV appearances. That's pretty darn good when the chips are on the line.
3 holes of fun!!
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: nd300 on January 25, 2009, 09:55:55 PM
1.Randy Pederson--no,wait,he leaves solid 8 pins.
2.Del Ballard,JR,as above,with the bumpers.(That's still one of the best replies I've seen yet.)
3.WRW----no,wait,he leaves 8-10 splits
4.PDW---no,wait,he leaves solid 4 pins.(He'd probably still have the trophy fall apart on him while he's holding it up after winning the tourney).
 I'm well aware that any of these men are 100 times better than I'll ever be.I'm simply having some fun with some of the more (in)famous moments in bowling history.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: rockerbowler18 on January 25, 2009, 09:57:24 PM
1.Randy Pederson--no,wait,he leaves solid 8 pins.
2.Del Ballard,JR,as above,with the bumpers.(That's still one of the best replies I've seen yet.)
3.WRW----no,wait,he leaves 8-10 splits
4.PDW---no,wait,he leaves solid 4 pins.(He'd probably still have the trophy fall apart on him while he's holding it up after winning the tourney).
 I'm well aware that any of these men are 100 times better than I'll ever be.I'm simply having some fun with some of the more (in)famous moments in bowling history.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........

So, joking aside, who would you really choose?
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: blacknois on January 25, 2009, 10:01:01 PM
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: nd300 on January 25, 2009, 10:01:50 PM
All joking aside,I'd take Duke.Pure icewater in his veins,and I've never seen him choke yet.If he has,please post the tournament.I'm not doubting what anyone says,but he's been on a bit of a hot streak.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
 Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: mainzer on January 25, 2009, 10:08:03 PM
I would keep it cause I want to see how I would hold up in the situation first hand.
''If their is a life after death,
  then their is no death,
  and if their is no death,
  we do not live''

Progressive Metal Band

Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: Xfest on January 25, 2009, 10:12:41 PM
Seany Rashy
Stand left, throw right, and strap it like a trojan!!
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: makpa on January 26, 2009, 07:18:21 AM
Chris barnes. every time the is a high stak. fx his 200000$ he won a couple of times. but any day i will give barnes the shot
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: Danes07 on January 26, 2009, 07:31:32 AM
I've got a couple guys.

Duke - just pure ice in his veins....nothing scares that man.  We've all heard about him bowling money games in his youth, with no money in his pockets.  He knew what was gonna happen if he lost.

Big Wes - I don't think anybody could scare him.  Combine that with how powerful of a shot he throws and how versatile he has become, I'd let him bowl for my money.

Brian Voss - At one time he was one of the best out there.  Great shot maker and a true competitor.  Ever see his eyes once he got on the approach and focused in on a shot?  Man had some intensity.
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All
STORM - The Bowlers Company
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: DukeHarding on January 26, 2009, 07:39:58 AM
1. Myself
2. WRW
3. Norm Duke
4. Patrick Allen
5. Strikealot M.
Duke Harding
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: KingofKings696 on January 26, 2009, 07:44:23 AM
I would actually give the shot to my father that way I could rag on him for years to come if he did miss plus he could carry even when he misses the headpin. Hes still using an old original nitro and a old buster. I also wouldnt mind taking the shot if I get a few practice/warmup.
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: Raven829 on January 26, 2009, 07:56:06 AM
Duke or WRW.  

"You cannot change the stripes of a leopard."
~Emmitt Smith
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: 9andaWiggle on January 26, 2009, 08:06:20 AM
Me.  I want all the money, I ain't splittin' it with NOBODY!

Just MO, but I think if you're the type to ask someone else to shoot your money shot for you, your MAN CARD should be REVOKED!

No guts, no glory!  So MAN UP, Nancy-boy, and take the $50 grand shot for yourself!


Internet Tough Guy

Cyberspace Sheep Lover

Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: Spider Ball Bowler on January 26, 2009, 08:12:44 AM
What type of shot are we bowling on?  House shot, or something tough?

If it's something tough, I'd give it to someone that's good  

If it's a house shot, I think I'd take it....why not.  All I have to do is get within 20 boards of my mark.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: luvtobowl2 on January 26, 2009, 01:44:01 PM
If I could have anybody, living or deceased, Earl Anthony.

Only living allowed to throw - Norm
"A lot of times winners are just those who are still around after everyone else gives up."
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: leftyinsnellville on January 26, 2009, 01:56:56 PM
Ernie Schlegel...just so I could see him run around like an idiot after the shot, which he would do even if he missed it.  


( o )( o )

Edited on 1/26/2009 2:57 PM
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: Xcessive_Evil on January 26, 2009, 02:30:04 PM

Hope this is not Chris' blood....
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: strikecing on January 26, 2009, 02:45:13 PM
Duke or Barnes!!! I know all of you are saying BARNES?? Well two Motel Six roll to riches and 2 majors he diffentaly is not a slump!! Big money is his thing..
high score: 300 (1/10/07 Tropical Storm)
My Arsenal
Cell Pin above ring finger
Storm Rapid Fire Pearl Pin above ring finger
Columbia Messenger Low RG stacked label
Brunswick Inferno Pin above Bridge
2 tropical storms one pin up one pin down

Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: SleepOnIce on January 26, 2009, 03:18:33 PM
Ken Simard, as long as he's not on top of the ball return.
Title: Re: Who would you give the ball to?
Post by: dicnic on January 26, 2009, 05:58:34 PM
Actually, I would pick CDB. Nobody said you couldn't choose a lady.

Does this person get a couple of practice shots to check the pattern?

Or ??????
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.