In honor of recently inducted Norm Duke and Del Ballard into the PBA hall of fame, it got me thinking. Who are the best all time posters in ballreviews history. Who would you put in and why, past or present? Not the hall of very good, the hall of fame.
My nomination goes to Ric Hamlin, current username JustRico, former name BrunsRico
Ric has been posting here for as long as I can remember. He has helped many, many users, including me, in the selection of bowling balls, layouts, drilling options, surface preps, etc. Any questions about the characteristics of a bowling ball not just Brunswick stuff, he was the man to go to. He was the only reason I, and probably many others, used a bowling ball with the lengendary Rico layout and why the cg of a bowling ball no longer matters.
Thanks Ric
On the side would anybody put yours truely in? I got a couple hundred posts to my credit and been here since 04', nothing to shame about

www.bowlingsolutions.comMove left, hook it more.....
Tommy Jones and Kenny Simard are Gamecock fans...are you???
We shall now refer a 4-bagger as a hambone...Mark it down the revolution has started!