Does side roll increase length, or stated differently, does a release staying more behind the ball and thus placing more forward roll on the ball increase length.
Until last night during league, I thought it did. But, I noticed that four of the guys bowling seemed to increase the side roll on their balls, and seemed to get more skid through the heads without over reaction at the break point.
The heads were drying up and everyone was chasing the oil to the left. I was able to move left slower by staying behind the ball for a while, but when the lanes really got dry, the guys that increased their side roll seemed to be able to be able to get down the lane better.
Also, I noticed a substantial decrease in carry, the more that I came up the back of the ball, and left a couple of really strange splits before I finally gave the shot up, increased my speed, and put more side roll on the ball.
Our house has been putting down lighter oil the last three weeks and everyone execept for the house hacks, (who shot 740, 753 and 760) have struggled by the last game.
One of the regulars (rolling a black widow) had 11 in a row in the first game, the lane next to him broke and he waited until they fixed it before rolling-----strait down the middle for a split, left 5 pins. Major chokola